向前一步:第106期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(2)(在线收听

 Often these situations don't improve because no one tells anyone what is really happening. We are so rarely brave enough to tell the truth. 这些情况的出现正是因为我们很少有勇气去讲真话。

Being honest in the workplace is especially difficult. 在职场上要做到坦诚尤其困难。
All organizations have some form of hierarchy, which means that someone's performance is assessed by someone else's perception. 一切组织都存在某种等级形式,这也就意味着对个人表现的评价来自于他人的感受,
This makes people even less likely to tell the truth. 于是让人说出真话就更难了。
Every organization faces this challenge, no matter how flat it tries to be. 任何一个组织不管多么努力尝试做到结构扁平化,都要面临这个挑战。
At Facebook, we work hard to be nonhierarchical. 在脸谱网,我们在组织建构时尽量做到不分上下级,
Everyone sits at open desks in big open spaces — no offices, cubes, or partitions for any of us. 每个人都在宽敞的开放式空间里办公——这里没有办公室、小隔间,不分片划区。
We hold a company-wide Q&A every Friday where anyone can ask a question or make a comment. 我们每周五都举行全体员工的交流会,每个人都可以畅所欲言,发表建议。
When people disagree with decisions, they post to the company-wide Facebook group. 如果员工们不同意某些决策,可以在脸谱网的公司群里发帖表决。
Still, I would be an idiot, or not telling myself the truth, if I thought that my coworkers always felt free to criticize me, Mark, or even their peers. 即便如此,我也不会傻傻地认为,大家能够毫无顾忌地去批评我、马克·扎克伯格或是身边的其他同事。
When psychologists study power dynamics, 心理学家在研究权力动力学时发现,
they find that people in low-power positions are more hesitant to share their views and often hedge their statements when they do. 处于权力低层的人在分享意见时会更犹豫,在表达想法时会闪烁其词。
This helps explain why for many women, speaking honestly in a professional environment carries an additional set of fears: 这也有助于解释为什么许多女性格外害怕在职场上坦陈直言:
Fear of not being considered a team player. 她们害怕被认为没有团队精神,