生活英语听力文章 第161期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(1)(在线收听

 One of the most important keys to your personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time each day. 个人和职业的成功关键在于你如何花费你的时间。

Each day contains twenty-four hours, but how we spend those hours is what separates people who enjoy lives of happiness, fulfillment and success  每一天都是24小时,但是我们如何花费这些时间可以将这些享受生活的快乐,
from those who experience lives filled with frustration, disappointment, and often failure. 自我实现感和成功的人从那些经历着沮丧,失望以及常常失败的人区分开来。
When Olympic athletes train, no detail of their performance is overlooked-from computerized motion studies to the fabric of their clothing and the customization of each shoe. 当奥林匹克运动员训练时,从计算机运动研究服装的织物和定制的鞋,
Nothing is missed. 他们表演的任何一个细节都不会被忽视。
Mastering time management is much the same. 掌握时间的管理是一样的。
In order to work smarter but not harder, you must examine-and be willing to make changes to-everything you do to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and performance. 为了工作更灵活而且不困难,你必须检查和愿意对那些需要提高效力,效率和性能的工作做出改变。
This special report outlines 130 simple, easy-to-implement, time-management tips and techniques. 这篇特别报道概述了130项简单,易于实现的时间管理技巧和技术。
Some have universal applicability. 有些具有普遍适用性。
Others are specifically related to career, communication, or technology. 其它的是专门用于职业,通信,或技术方面的。
I encourage you to download the report at littlethingsmatter.com and print it out. 我鼓励您下载这篇报告并且打印出来。
As you read it, you may want to highlight the tips that are most relevant to your circumstances and consider developing a personalized list. 当你阅读它的时候,你可能想要突出你最相关的情况和考虑开发一项个性化的列表。
Remember that the first step in becoming an effective time manager is to have the desire to be more productive and smarter with how you use your time. 记住,成为一个有效的时间管理的第一步是有想要更有效率和更聪明的你如何使用你的时间。
It must be something that is important to you or you won't do what is required to develop solid time-management skills. 它对你来说必须是很重要的东西或者你不需要做开发良好的时间管理技巧。
Understanding, practicing, and maximizing how you spend your time is a journey. 如何理解、练习和最大化的花费你的时间是一个旅程。
Proficiency won't happen overnight but, as is the case with all of the Little Things, repeated effort will be rewarded. 水平不会在一夜之间发生,但一样的小事情,反复的努力会得到回报。
By becoming more effective and efficient, you'll take control of your workload rather than your workload taking control of you. 要想变得更有效率和高效率,你需要控制你的工作负载,而不是让你的工作量控制你。