生活英语听力文章 第181期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(21)(在线收听

 92.Study best practices. 学习最优方案。

What can you learn from someone else? A lot! 你能从别人那里学到什么?很多!
Benchmarking (comparing and measuring your practices and performance against other successful entrepreneurs or organizations) 将你的做事方法和成果与最成功的企业家或组织对比。
is the process of being humble enough to admit that someone else is better at something than you are, and being wise enough to learn how to improve upon it yourself. 这样做是一种谦虚的表现,是承认在某方面别人比你擅长。这也是聪明的表现,知道怎样来提升自己。
93.Know your limits. 知道自己的极限。
Don't waste time on unproductive tasks. 不要浪费时间做不会有结果的事情上。
When something comes up that is out of your area of knowledge or expertise, find some help or an alternative way to get it done. 如果遇到你不擅长的事情,向别人寻求帮助或者找另外的解决途径。
94.Stifle the perfectionist in you. 控制内心追求完美的欲望。
Learn to work at your highest level of performance without obsessing over perfection. 学会高效行事,不要一心追求完美。
Set realistic expectations for yourself and your work. 为自己和工作设定现实的目标。
Know when a task is finished and when it's time to move on. 知道什么时候一件任务完成,然后继续做下一件。
95.Improve your decision-making process. 改进你做决定的过程。
Establish a  decision-making process that allows you to quickly and accurately make good decisions. 创建一个自己的决策流程,是自己能够快速准确地做决定。
Being able to look at situations and quickly make the right decisions will improve your productivity and help you live a more successful life. 针对情况快速决策不仅可以提高你的效率,还能帮你实现成功人生。
96.Avoid putting off making decisions. 戒掉拖延症。
When you have a decision to make, seek to understand the facts, consider your options along with the pros and cons of each, and make your decision. 当你需要做决定时,研究清楚事实、考虑清楚各个选择的利弊,然后作出决定。
Agonizing and putting off decisions is an emotional drain and time killer. 苦苦挣扎拖延不仅耗费精力而且浪费时间。