生活英语听力文章 第182期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(22)(在线收听

 97.Don't rehash old things. 不要老调重弹。

Rehashing things from the past that you can't change is a waste of time. 老调重弹是一种浪费时间。
What's done is done! If you feel that an unfavorable decision has been made and that you have information that was not previously considered, then appeal the decision with humility and respect. 发生的已经发生了!如果你觉得做出的决定欠妥,或者又获得了之前不知道的信息,那么谦逊地告知他人更改决定的想法,以示尊敬。
98.Keep a pen and paper next to your bed. 在床边准备好纸笔。
If you think of something while you are in bed, write it down. 如果你在床上休息时想到什么事情,把它们记下来。
This keeps you from having to get out of bed or trying to remember it in the morning. 这样你就不用起身或者在早上绞尽脑汁回忆。
99.Start your day earlier. 早些开始一天的工作。
Since we are prone to being tired in the evenings, we often watch TV or chat with our friends on a social site. 由于我们在晚上很容易感到累,我们经常看电视或者在社交网站上和朋友聊天。
It would be wise to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. 早睡早起是明智地做法。
Even if it's only 30 minutes, you will be amazed at how much more you can get done in an extra 30 minutes in the morning when you are refreshed. 哪怕仅仅30分钟你也会惊叹在早上这精神焕发的30分钟里你能做多少事情。
100.Limit alcohol consumption. 控制饮酒。
Drinking too much alcohol before going to bed not only keeps you from getting a good night's rest but it is also a productivity killer the next day. 睡前喝太多酒不但会影响睡眠质量,还会影响第二天的工作效率。
101.Don't eat before going to bed. 睡觉前不要吃东西。
Eating before going to bed activates your body's digestive system and impacts your quality of sleep. 睡觉前吃东西会刺激体内消化系统,影响睡眠质量。
102.Take the stairs. 爬楼梯。
In addition to being the healthier alternative, taking the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator can be faster! 这不仅是一种更健康的选择,还可以节省等电梯的时间。
103.Fill up your tank with gas. 给汽车加满油。
Filling up your gas tank reduces the frequency of stopping for gas. 每次给汽车加满油可以减少去加油站的次数。