生活英语听力文章 第183期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(23)(在线收听

 104.Gas station multi-tasking. 趁加油时间多做几件事。

While filling up your gas tank, clean the trash out of your car, wash the windows, or go to the bathroom. 趁加油的时间可以扔掉车内的垃圾、去厕所。
If the pump doesn't have a lock that prevents you from having to hold it, consider using a tennis ball. It works great! 如果加油泵没有顾定锁,需要手扶,你可以借助网球,这很管用。
105.Get in the shortest line. 排最短的对。
Whether you are coming to a stoplight or approaching a toll booth or checking out at the store, look for the shortest line. 无论是等红灯、过收费站、还是在商店结账,都要去排最短的队。
If you are in a store with long lines, get in line while looking around for a new lane that is about to open. 如果你所在的商店里等待结算的所有队都很长,你可以先排队,然后观望有没有新的收银口要开。
106.Ask for your check in advance. 提前要账单。
After you have ordered food at a restaurant, ask your server for your check. 在饭店点完餐之后,向服务员要你的账单。
Paying your bill before you are finished eating gives you the opportunity to leave when you are done instead of sitting around waiting to pay the bill. 在吃完之前付账,可以避免你吃完后坐等付账浪费时间。
107.Don't check your luggage. 不要托运行李。
Always try to pack light and carry your luggage on the plane. 永远记得要轻装出行,把行李带上飞机。
This reduces time spent checking in and saves a considerable amount of time at your final destination. 这样可以缩短登机时间,到达目的地后也会节省很多时间。
108.Phone first. 先打电话。
How many times have you arrived at a restaurant only to find it closed, or you went shopping for something and found the store was out of inventory? Save time by calling first. 有多少次你到了一家饭店之后发现它停止营业了?或者你去商店买某件商品去了之后发现卖完了。先打电话可以节省时间。
109.Have it delivered. 用快递。
Save errand time by looking for free shipping where available. 寻找包邮的商家可以节省跑腿的时间。
Even if you pay for shipping, you will spend less on shipping than what it will cost you in time, gas, and car maintenance. 及时你需要付递运费用,它和你省下来的时间、汽油、和汽车保养费相抵后你还是赚到了。