生活英语听力文章 第186期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(26)(在线收听

 122.Cook once, eat twice. 一次做两顿的饭量。

Maximize your meal preparation time by preparing enough for two meals. 充分利用做饭时间,做一次吃两顿。
Freeze it or pack it in your lunch and save time. 将做好的饭冷藏或者打包做午餐,这样可以节省时间。
123.Maintain an orderly living space. 维持生活环境的条例。
Put things away when you are finished with them and clean up messes as they occur. 用完东西收好,出现混乱情况及时清理。
124.Simplify your wardrobe. 简化衣橱。
Speed up the morning routine by building a simplified wardrobe. 简化衣橱,加速早上穿衣流程。
Interchangeable suits, neutral basics, and versatile shoes and jewelry make the "what to wear" decision much easier. 可以交叉搭配的西装、颜色温和的基本款、百搭的鞋子和首饰可以减少你纠结穿什么的时间。
Also consider giving the clothes you don't wear to a local charity so you aren't faced with so many choices when you dress. 你还可以讲不出案的衣服捐给当地的慈善机构,这样你穿衣服时就不会有过多的选择。
125.Pay your bills once a month. 每月付一次账单。
Paying all your bills at one time each month, rather than paying them throughout the month is a big time saver. 每月一次结算所有账单。不要一个月中断断续续交各种费用,这样可以大大节省时间。
A good date to select is the 25th because it allows you to meet all your first of the month obligations. 你个比较好的日子就是25号,因为这一天几乎在所有账单日之前。
If paying bills on the 25th means you will be paying a bill late, call the company and change your billing cycle. 如果某项服务的账单日早于这一天可以给公司打电话,让其更改付费周期。
126.Consider paying bills online. 网上结算账单。
Paying bills online can be a big time saver. 网上结算可以节省大量时间。
127.Don't use a debit card. 不要用储蓄卡。
Using a debit card increases the time spent balancing your account. 使用借记卡可能需要顾及账户余额问题。
To simplify your accounting, use a credit card that you can pay once a month. 为了简化会计流程,使用需要每月还款一次的信用卡。
This is assuming you are a financially responsible person. 前提是你是一个花钱有度的人。