生活英语听力文章 第196期:70个你应该避免的愚蠢话题(3)(在线收听

 Here are THINGS YOU NEVER SAY TO OR ASK A FRIEND: 你永远不应该对朋友说的话有:

 How’s your sex life? 你的性生活怎么样?
Have you put on some weight? 你是长胖了吗?
Who are you and what have you done with my friend? 你是谁,你和我的朋友做了什么?
Did you pay to have your hair done that way? 你是去理发店花钱做的头发吗?
What does the doctor say about that? 医生怎么说?
How much money do you make? 你挣多少钱?
Do you think my husband’s sexy? 你觉得我老公性感吗?
Wow, are you sure you want that dessert? 哇,你确定要吃那份甜点吗?
How many times have you been married? 你结过几次婚?
Are you going to eat all that? 这些你全部都要吃完吗?
Why didn’t you invite ME? 你为什么没有邀请我?
Is that real or a knock off? 哪个是真品还是假货?
Or ask a foreigner, Where did you learn to speak English? (as the foreigner indicates that he or she was born in the United States) 问外国人“你在哪学的英语?”(结果人家说自己是土生土长的美国人)
What’s your sign? 你是什么星座的?
When are you going to have kids? 你们什么时候要小孩?
When are you going to get married? 你们什么时候结婚?
Why are you still single? 你为什么还是单身?
To a male nurse, when are you going to make doctor? 对男护士说“你什么时候才能转成医生?”
To someone who stutters, just spit it out. 对口吃的人说“快说呀!”
To a patient in the emergency room, hey, how’s it going? 对急诊室的病人说“嘿,最近怎么样?”
When you eat something and say it’s awful and then ask, would you like a bite? 当你吃到一个东西说它很难吃,然后问别人“你要尝一口吗?”
How much did that cost you? 那个你多少钱买的?
If someone tells you they are on a diet, Hey, does it work? 对告诉你他在节食的人说“嘿,有效果吗?”
Is your child a boy or a girl? We've had four kids and we've heared that too many tiems. 那孩子是男孩儿女孩儿啊?我们有四个孩子,被问过这个问题无数次。
Is this your grandchild? 那是你的孙子/孙女吗?
Why do you always do that? 你为什么总是那么做?