
Less than three hours by tank across this flat terrain from the Russian border, NATO troops train for battle with the aim of avoiding war. We are here simply taking our part in NATO and we are delivering again NATO’s core business which is collective defense.


You know, we’re here defensively but we’re here to fight and defend should the need arise.


It’s a scenario that Europe fears could unfold in Estonia and other Baltic states, once part of the Soviet Union, now frontline NATO members. Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea rattled the alliance and it’s taking no chances. Estonia has welcomed the NATO deployment, officially known as its enhanced forward presence aimed at deterring Russia from repeating its invasion of Ukraine. 800 British troops make up the bulk of the thousand-strong battle group. These soldiers are just beginning a new six months tour.


Estonia has spent a huge amount of money above and beyond their own defense budget to enable this NATO deployment. So we’ve got everything that we need and of course NATO’s strategy when dealing with Russia is a twin truck approach. It’s showing strength and being prepared to enact our collective defense. But it’s dialogue at the same time and so we like everybody else await the outcomes of what happens in Helsinki. Helsinki lies just two hours by ferry across the Baltic.


Monday’s meeting is making Estonia and many other NATO allies nervous, because there is always the element of unpredictability there, which the monopoly of which belonged sometimes ago to Putin but now it certainly belongs to Trump. The Russian expectations could be higher than from the American sites. Surely they would expect a propaganda victory.


As the geopolitics plays out between NATO and Russia between President Trump and President Putin, here on the ground in Estonia just 140 kilometers from the Russian border, NATO’s footprint is expanding fast. President Trump says the Helsinki summit could reset relations with Moscow. Just across the Baltic Sea, NATO troops are sending a clear message that the Alliance is prepared for any outcome.

