ESL杰夫的一天 第103期:休息 邮件和垃圾讲解(5)(在线收听

 "One thing I hate" about watching television — something I don't like — "is having to watch all the commercials." 看电视时“我讨厌的一件事”——我不喜欢的事——“就是要看那些广告”。

A commercial is the same as an advertisement on television or radio; 广告就是电视或广播上的宣传;
it's an announcement from a company that wants you to buy what they are selling. 它是某公司想要你购买他们的产品或服务的宣传。
Well, I don't like watching the commercials, "so I turn the sound down." 那个,我不喜欢看广告,“因此我便把音量调小。”
To turn the sound down means to lower the volume, to make it so that it is less loud — it is quieter. " “To turn the sound down”意思是调低音量,这样做的话它的声音就会变小——它就更安静了。
I turn the sound down when" the commercials "come on." 当广告“出现”时我便把音量调小。
Again, that verb, to come on, means that they are on the television — that they start. 同样,“To come on”这个动词意思是它们出现在了电视上——它们开播了。
"After the show is over," — after the show is done — finished — "I thumb through the latest issue of the Atlantic Monthly." “节目结束之后”——节目演完之后——“我翻看最新一期的《大西洋月刊》”。
The Atlantic Monthly is a monthly magazine in the United States. 《大西洋月刊》是美国每月出版一次的杂志。
To thumb through something, "thumb" through (two words) means to look through something, but usually not to be paying too much attention. 翻(thumb)看(两个字)某物意思是浏览某物,通常是不会过多关注的东西。
You're sort of looking but you're not necessarily reading very carefully. 虽然你在看,但你不会很认真地看。
We use that expression — that verb — when we are talking about magazines in particular. 尤其是在我们说到杂志的时候我们就会使用这个词组——这个动词。