听歌学英语:《泡沫》英文版 The Foam(在线收听

The foam shines colorful under sunlight
阳光下的泡沫 是彩色的
I am so in deception, filled with delight
就像被骗的我 是幸福的
No matter what’s wrong or right
Because of love, you told me all those lies

Beautiful foam is merely a flash in the pan
美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
Things you once promised; With great ease they ran
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
But love is just foam; If face the fact I can
但爱像泡沫 如果能够看破
Just let go of your hand
I should’ ve known the foam easily dies
早该知道泡沫 一触就破
Like a broken heart, can’t take one more strike
就像已伤的心 不胜折磨
No one is wrong or right
Because of love, you told so many lies
谎言再多 基于你还爱我
Beautiful foam is merely a flash in the pan
美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
All your promises; With great ease they ran
你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱
But love is just foam; If face the fact I can
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破
Just let go of your hand
Pretty petals prosper and fall into sand
再美的花朵 盛开过就凋落
Twinkling stars flash and crash into land
再亮眼的星 一闪过就坠落
But love is just foam; If face the fact I can
爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破
Just let go of your hand
歌词:The foam shines colorful under sunlight
阳光下的泡沫 是彩色的
I am so in deception, filled with delight
就像被骗的我 是幸福的
划重点:foam?n. 泡沫;汗?v. 起泡沫;吐口沫;愤怒;沸腾
The beer foamed up and overflowed the glass.
He is foaming with rage over some decisions.
Deception?n. 骗局;诡计;欺诈
He obtained our trust by deception.
deceptive?adj. 骗人的;虚伪的;诈欺的
Appearances are often deceptive.
Deceptive advertising has damaged the company's image among the consumers.

歌词:Beautiful foam is merely a flash in the pan
美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火
划重点:merely?adv. 仅仅;只不过
I accepted this job merely for the high salary.
flash?v. 闪光;闪现
a flash in the pan?昙花一现的人物, 一时的成功
That singer can't last. He's a flash in the pan.
This book was just a flash in the pan; he'll never write another one as good.
歌词:I should've known the foam easily dies
早该知道泡沫 一触就破
Like a broken heart, can't take one more strike
讲解:strike?n. 罢工;打击;殴打?v. 打;撞;罢工;划燃
He struck the man a blow at the chin.
They will call a strike if they don't get more money.

歌词:Pretty petals prosper and fall into sand
再美的花朵 盛开过就凋落
Twinkling stars flash and crash into land
再亮眼的星 一闪过就坠落
划重点:petal?n. 花瓣
prosper?vi. 繁盛;成功;兴旺。在这里指的是开花,花朵盛开。
His business is prospering.
She can't prosper on the course she's going now.
