美国学生世界地理教材 第174期:产生《一千零一夜》的国家(3)(在线收听

 The Mohammedans have commandments as the Christians do. We have ten; 和基督教一样,伊斯兰教也有戒律。基督教有十条戒律,

they have four or more. One of their commandments is to pray five times a day; 伊斯兰教至少有四条戒律,其中之一是每天要祈祷五次;
another is to give a present to every beggar who asks—it doesn't matter how little—it may be less than a penny; 另一条戒律是遇到任何乞讨的乞丐,都要给东西——东西再小都没关系——哪怕价值不到一便士;
a third is to fast for a month each year—that's something like Lent; and a fourth is to make a trip to Mecca some time during their lives. 其三是每年斋戒一个月——有点像基督教的大斋;第四是在有生之年要去一次麦加,
Such a trip is called a pilgrimage, and every Mohammedan, 这样的旅程叫做“朝圣”。
no matter where or how far off he lives, hopes to make a pilgrimage to Mecca some time before he dies. 每个伊斯兰教徒,无论住在哪里,也无论住得离麦加有多远,都希望在去世前能去一趟麦加参加朝圣。
A great Mohammedan king named Aaron the Just once made the trip from Bagdad to Mecca—hundreds of miles—all the way on foot, 有一位伟大的伊斯兰教国王名叫“正直亚伦”,曾经从巴格达到麦加朝圣——几百英里的路程——他全都步行!
but as he was a king, the whole way was covered with carpet for him to walk on! 但是,由于他是国王,他所要走的路上都铺上了地毯。
Have you ever seen a "shooting-star" in the sky? 你见过天上的流星吗?
Most shooting-stars usually burn up before they reach the ground, but some do not. 大多数流星还没有坠落到地面就烧掉了,但有一些掉到地上。
At Mecca there is a mosque and inside this mosque is a black stone called The Kaaba. 在麦加有一个清真寺,寺里有一块黑色的石头叫做克尔白。
The Mohammedans say this stone was sent down from heaven, and that may be true, 伊斯兰教徒称这块石头是天上送下来的。那可能是真的,
for it is probably a shooting-star that fell to the ground before it burned up. 因为它可能是一颗还没烧尽之前就落到地面的流星。
The Mohammedans think, if they kiss this stone, all their sins are forgiven and they will go to Heaven and have a high place there when they die. 伊斯兰教徒认为只要他们亲吻这块石头,他们所有的罪过都会得到宽恕,死后就能升上天堂,还可以在那里占到一个很高的位置。
They say this stone was once white, but it has been turned black by all the sins that have gone into it from the countless kisses of Mohammedans. 他们说这块石头原为白色,但是后经千万教徒亲吻,吸收了他们所有的罪过而变成黑色。
A railroad one thousand miles long has been built from Damascus to Medina, and there is now a bus line from Medina to Mecca, 从大马士革到麦地那已建起了一条长达1000英里的铁路,还有一条公路从麦地那通往麦加。
but this railroad and bus are only for pilgrims, for none but Mohammedans are allowed in either city—Mecca or Medina. 但是,铁路和公路都只对朝圣者开放,因为只有伊斯兰教徒才被允许居住在这两个城市——麦加或麦地那。