早安英文 第42期:圣诞礼物(在线收听


day in day out 日复一日,每天
spoilt 意思是宠坏的
brat 名词,意思是乳臭未干的小孩
prerogative 名词,意思是特权
point out 一个动词短语,意思是指出,
All in all 这个短语一般用在开头,表示总的来说
All in all it's about £1,500 worth.
It’s just not fair on the people who busy their ass day in day out and can’t give their kids the same, plus you are making your kids spoilt little brats.
I'm not rich at all, which is the first thing I wanted to point out because it's been put all over the Internet after it had been taken from Instagram that I was rich and I spoil my children.
My money, my prerogative.