早安英文 第47期:英国人的烦心事(在线收听


Prompt 提示
Round the corner 在拐角处,即将来临
Lunatic 疯子
Tube train 地铁
Chitchat 闲谈,聊天
I’d sooner do sth. than do sth. 我做什么比做什么更加爽快
Trying to avoid so many people requires careful planning and clever strategies.
[译文] 想要避开那么多人,是需要小心的计划和聪明的策略的。
When I come round the corner, I often see some of my neighbours standing in their gardens and I sometimes just go and hide round the corner and go on my phone for a bit because I don't want to talk to them about the bins.
[译文] 当我走到街角,我经常会看到我的邻居在花园里,我经常会躲在街角玩一会儿手机,因为我不想跟他们聊关于垃圾桶之类的话题。
It's important to know one side and that side and then after that, you're kind of on nodding terms and then everything else is just unknown. I think the mark of a lunatic is getting to know everyone in the street.
[译文] 认识左邻右舍还是重要的,但是认识之后,以后我们见面点点头就行了,其他的信息我一概不想知道,我觉得疯了的一个标志就是去了解街道上的每一个人。
If you go and knock on a neighbour’s door, your house better be on fire.
[译文] 如果你去敲邻居家的门,最好是因为你们家着火了,是吧,所以最好不要来烦我。
I got onto the London Underground and I saw you and you didn't have your make-up on, you might look through me and just, kind of, pretend that you haven't seen me. And I might just look through you -- and then I might just get off after two stops and then wait for the next tube train to come along.
[译文] 我如果上了地铁发现你,而且你没化妆,你可以假装目光穿过了我没有看到我,我也会装作没看到你,然后在一两站之后下车接着坐一趟地铁。
While the rest of the world delights in going about its daily business in effortless chitchat, for the British, small talk is a big problem.
[译文] 当世界上其他人们都很开心的闲聊日常琐事的时候,对英国人来说,日常寒暄是一个很大的问题。
I’d sooner go to the dentist than the barbers. At least you can’t speak to a dentist.
[译文] 我去看牙医都比去理发要爽快,因为至少你没法跟牙医聊天。