向前一步:第114期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(10)(在线收听

 I got onstage in front of our entire sales team and apologized for the misunderstanding. 于是,我召集整个销售团队,当着大家的面为这次误会道歉。

I also let them know that if they hear a bad idea, even one they believe is coming from me or Mark, they should either fight it or ignore it. 我也让大家明白,如果听到的是个坏点子,哪怕提出者是我或扎克伯格,他们也应该抵制它或无视它。
As hard as it is to have an honest dialogue about business decisions, it is even harder to give individuals honest feedback. 在商业对话中很难听到实话,向他人反馈自己的真实想法就更加困难。
This is true for entry-level employees, senior leaders, and everyone in between. 这一点无论对普通职员还是高管人员,都是一样的。
One thing that helps is to remember that feedback, like truth, is not absolute. 同时,我们也要明白,反馈和真理一样,都不是绝对正确的。
Feedback is an opinion, grounded in observations and experiences, which allows us to know what impression we make on others. 反馈是一种基于观察和经验的意见,可以帮助我们了解自己给别人留下的印象。
The information is revealing and potentially uncomfortable, which is why all of us would rather offer feedback to those who welcome it. 它很有启发性但也可能让人不自在,所以我们都宁愿向那些能够接受意见的人做出反馈。
If I make an observation or recommendation and someone reacts badly—or even just visibly tenses up—I quickly learn to save my comments for things that really matter. 如果我发表意见或提出建议时,对方的反应不太好,甚至明显开始紧张,我就会保留自己的意见。
This is why I so admire Molly Graham's approach. 这也是我为什么如此欣赏莫莉·格雷厄姆的行事风格的原因。
Molly joined Facebook in 2008 and held a number of jobs throughout the company in communications, human resources, and mobile products. 格雷厄姆自从2008年加入脸谱网后,承担了包括交流沟通、人力资源、移动产品等很多部门的工作。
She performed extraordinarily well in all of these very different roles, not just because she is uniquely talented but because she is always learning. 她在不同的工作岗位上都表现得相当出色,这不仅是因为她才能过人,还因为她总是保持着学习的态度。