大家说英语 第441期:手机应用程序(1)(在线收听

 Hey, Alex. What are you playing? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你在玩儿什么?

Hi, Rob! I downloaded a new game, but it's very difficult. 嗨,罗布!我下载了一款新游戏,但是非常有难度。
I try to avoid smartphone games. You can waste a lot of time on them. 我尽量不去接触手机游戏。你会在这上面浪费很多时间的。
True, but they're fun. Anyway, I'm stuck on level four. 是的,但是很有意思啊。顺便说一句,我到第四关了。
I know that game! Level four isn't easy. 我知道那个游戏!第四关可不容易。
Can you help me, Albert? 你能帮帮我吗,阿尔伯特?
Albert from the Jungle Cafe helped you with your game. That was nice. 丛林咖啡的阿尔伯特帮你玩儿了那个游戏。真好啊。
Yes. Albert's a nice guy. 是的。阿尔伯特是个很好的家伙。
Do you use a lot of phone apps, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你会用很多手机应用程序吗?
Yes. There are many apps to choose from these days. 是的。现在有许多应用程序可以选择。
And people are inventing more every day! 而且人们每天还在开发更多的!
Exactly! And some of them are really useful. 没错!有一些真的很有用。
What are you doing on your phone, Ben? 本,你在用手机干什么?
I'm checking my step count. 我在查看我的行走步数。
Oh! Do you use a fitness bracelet? 哦!你有用一款健身手环吗?
Yes. And this smartphone app records my steps. 在用。这款手机应用就是在记录我的步数。
How many steps do you take each day? 你每天会走多少步?
Well, yesterday, I took a little over 15,000 steps. 恩,昨天我走了超过15000步。
That's great, Ben! I should walk more. 好厉害,本!我应该也多走走了。