英语小达人 447 Experiencing Scotland(1)(在线收听

 Experiencing Scotland 感受苏格兰

Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history,  苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。
where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles,  你不仅能看见无数豪门望族的府第与城堡,
as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.  还可以观看人们穿着民族服装举行传统巡游。
It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe,  这里有全欧洲最美的城市,
a living testimony of a proud and splendid past. 诉说着苏格兰昔日的荣光。
In order to see and discover the true soul of Scotland today,  想看看真正的苏格兰,
what forged the character of this splendid region,  追寻这里民族精神的源泉,
we have to go towards the northern regions, to the Grampian Mountains.  就得去北部的格兰扁山区。
Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm.  格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。格兰扁过去并不适合耕作,
The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms. 倔强的苏格兰人凭着双手征服了这片土地。
The history of this ancient struggle, and its people's ancient love affair with the hard land,  苏格兰先民的艰苦劳作与他们自古对这片贫瘠土地的眷恋,
is enclosed within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum.  在安格斯民俗博物馆里一览无余。
You are able to get a feel of the typical rural atmosphere of times past from the everyday artifacts displayed here. 这里展出的都是史前的日常物品,你能从中体味到典型的旧日乡间氛围。
From coastal Aberdeen in towards the interior of the Grampian Mountains there runs the Castle Trail,  一条古堡之路从沿海的阿伯丁一直蜿蜒到格兰扁山区深处。
a road that touches on many fortresses, which are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history. 沿途的众多要塞见证了英格兰不断反抗英格兰统治的历史。