经典双语笑话 第65期:别急慢慢来(在线收听

 Let's Not Be Hasty 别急慢慢来

Said the wife to the husband. 一位妻子对她先生说道:
"Dear, we just have to get a new family doctor. “亲爱的,我们必须另外再找一名家庭医师,
This is the third time old Dr. Davis gave me the wrong prescription and nearly killed me." 这已经是戴维斯医生第三次开错药方,差点就要我的命!…
"Oh, come on. sweetheart, let' s give him another chance. " “喔,别这样吗!亲爱的,再给他一次机会试试看。”
1.family doctor 家庭医生;私人医生
例句:Her family doctor broke the news to her that her son was squint-eyed.
2.wrong prescription 错误的处方
例句:To try to stimulate consumption and broaden consumer demand by lowering the interest rate is a wrong prescription. 
3.another chance 又一次的机会;再一次的机会
例句:The boy pleaded for another chance to pass the test.
4.third time 第三次
例句:She nearly broke down when she miscarried a third time.