英语悠选脱口秀 第112期:长在树上的意大利面(在线收听


Today's key word is Spaghetti
Spaghetti 意大利面
大家应该都吃过或者听过意大利面。But do you know how to make spaghetti? Obviously, British people in 1957 didn't know!怎么回事呢?
In April 1st 1957,就是愚人节April Fool's Day的时候,the BBC decided to do a prank(恶作剧) on its audiences. 当时,有一档时事类节目叫做-Panorama.It did a show on the so-called annual "spaghetti harvest" in southern Switzerland. 这个长约2分30秒的所谓瑞士“年度意大利面收获季”还请了著名记者配音。
It featured the voice of respected TV and radio journalist Richard Dimbleby saying the beauty of "real, home-grown spaghetti" plucked from ancient orchards(传统古老的果园) in Switzerland.一起来感受下60年前,来自英国的声音:“Spaghetti cultivation here in Switzerland is not of course carried out on anything like the tremendous Italian industry. Many of you I am sure would have seen pictures of the vast spaghetti plantations in the Valley.
"For the Swiss, however, it tends to be more of a family affair. Another reason why this maybe a bumper year lies in the virtue disappearance of the spaghetti widdle, the tiny creature cause much concerns in the past. After picking, this spaghetti is laid out to dry in the warm sun. Many people are often puzzled by the fact that the spaghetti is produced by such a unique length. But this is the result of many years patient by plant raisers who succeeded in producing the perfect spaghetti. (演员演技好真 有没有)
This short video was so convincing that many people believed that spaghetti actually grew in a tree. BBC本来就是想开个玩笑,可这个玩笑开的太认真,严谨的腐国人民get不到笑点,竟然信以为真。Hundreds of people called BBC after the broadcast asking where they could get hold of a spaghetti bush灌木丛 so they could grow their own crop.
英国人民一想,哎呦我去,原来每天吃的意大利面是一种植物啊,那我自己种岂不是既省钱有安心。估计当时BBC的人得笑死。还回复打电话咨询的人说:“You could cultivate spaghetti at home by planting strands (一小股意大利面) in a can of tomato sauce.”Hahaha在番茄酱里插上意大利面,慢慢就能长成意大利面tree!!!!!!!腐国人民的情操和认真程度真的是...(小王子代表我的心)
后来,虽然很多人表示被耍了很不开森!But the broadcast, which showed a Swiss family harvesting spaghetti from trees, has gone down as one of the best April Fools of all time. 严谨的英国人民开起玩笑来也是好玩的名垂青史啊,哎呀,说的我都想吃意大利面了,我吃面去了。