英语悠选脱口秀 第117期:友谊的小船不能翻(在线收听


Today's key word is BFF
Best Friend Forever 永远的好朋友
Here is an example:
Hey yo, that guy is my BFF, we have been friends our whole lives and will be until we die.
BFF is not exactly a word. 虽然他不是严格意义上的英语单词,但在英语国家的童鞋们说这个词的频率还是很高的。 这期为啥说BFF捏? Because a new app is very popular in the U.S. It can help you find friends. 这有啥奇怪的呢?
话说,咱天朝QQ 微信 陌陌 百合网 世纪佳缘网 等等都是找朋友的app啊! So what is new about this app? Normally, those apps we mentioned above are for people who want to find a girlfriend, boyfriend or friend with benefits. 而这个叫做bumble 的app是为了那些寻找纯洁友谊的小朋友滴。
我们长大了以后,making friends is not as easy as it was in college or high school, especially when you are in a new city alone. 这一点我和SJ 都体会颇深。 所以,上学的时候要好好珍惜身边的朋友哦。
Anyway, finding a friend through an app may sound awkward, but it's not. A US dating app called Bumble launched(发布了) its BFF feature in early March 怎么用呢?
If you find someone who you want to be friends with, you start a conversation with him or her. Then he or she has 24 hours to reply before the connection expires(过期). 来听听Veronica和Isabella 初次见面的样子吧 (soundbite) “I: So nice to meet you. Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? I matched with Veronica, we matched based on interests like food and politics. This is the first time I've done something like this. So I was not sure how it would go, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much we immediately have in common. ”
这个功能,其实还不错,既然网上能找男女朋友,那么找个能聊天的朋友也是可以的呀。 And for people like us who moved to a new city alone. You need to do almost everything all by yourself, like shopping, eating, and moving to a new apartment. And there are certain times, you will feel extremely lonely.
对于孤身一人在陌生城市打拼的人来说, 有时候会觉得特别的孤单, 特别是, 夜深加完班回家的路上,看着万千灯火,回到自己家却黑漆漆,没有人在等你的房间的时候; 生病难受,独自躺在床上,连给你倒水煮粥的人都没有的时候; 周末去购物,独自一人试衣服,只能问营业员好不好看的时候; 放暑假时,别人都回家了,只有你一个人留在宿舍吃泡面的时候; So when do you feel lonely? And who is your BFF? 你什么时候最孤单呢? 你最好的朋友是谁?
Tell us on our wechat search for ayoenglish 或者英语悠选,不是优秀的优, 是悠然自得的悠哦。 Talk to you next time!