英语悠选脱口秀 第147期:提高口语的无敌技巧2(在线收听


5.Get More out of Listening
When most students listen to a native English-speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean.这个当然也很重要。
但除此之外,Try listening not just to what the words mean, but to how the person says them.看看他们把哪些词连起来说了,哪些词着重读出来了,语气语调是什么样的。
Easier said than done, right?
6. Use It or Lose It
There's an expression in English: “Use it or lose it,” which basically means if you don't practice an ability, you might forget it.
记住一个单词最好的办法就是马上使用它。When you learn a new word, try to say it in sentences a few times over the next week and you'll never forget it.
7. Try not to Study Grammar Too Much
Speaking English fluently isn't the same as knowing perfect English grammar – even native English-speakers make grammar mistakes!
英语是母语的人也会出现语法错误,所以不用太担心。Fluency is about being able to communicate. 沟通,能够理解对方在说什么才是最最重要的
8. Don't Be Afraid of Making Mistakes
Don't let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all.
Even if you think you're making a mistake, keep speaking anyway.
Plus, the more you speak, the easier it gets, and the more quickly the right words will come to mind.
Talk to you next time!