英语悠选脱口秀 第148期:没想到一场求婚搞得大家都湿身(在线收听


Today's key word is devastate
devastate d-e-v-a-s-t-a-t-e
毁灭 破坏
If something devastates a place, it damages the place very badly or destroys it totally.
Here is an example:
He was devastated by his grief when his son died.
His name is Picca. When Picca planned on proposing(求婚) to his girlfriend Kayla. I bet he didn't imagine it going like this. 
Picca准备向自己心爱的人求婚,于是要求她去他们最喜欢的一家餐厅。He planned to pop the question at their favorite restaurant, which is right by the water.
When he got down on one knee on the dock(码头) and opened the ring box, the worst possible thing happened — the ring fell out and sunk into the ocean.
她说:“I covered my face and began to cry because I knew my boyfriend was devastated,he did not even get to say anything to me before the ring fell into the ocean."
But 就在此时,
Their friends and strangers all jumped into the water with their clothes on and searched for the ring in the ocean.
找戒指找了一个小时左右,the ring was finally recovered by a man named Kyle.
Picca reassumed his kneeling position and proposed. And of course, the girl said YES.
事后周围的人都非常非常开心,Picca也说:“They were amazing and we are so grateful to have their help that night."
就像Megan Trainer的歌里唱的:
Dear future husband,
Just be a classy guy
Buy me a ring
You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy