英语悠选脱口秀 第149期:5岁小男孩看到父亲被枪杀后报警(在线收听


In the United States, a 5-year-old boy made a heartbreaking call to the police telling the dispatcher that “my daddy and my mama got shot.”
Later, the police released the audio to the public.
“My daddy and my mama got shot.
You say your papa and mom doing what?
My mama and my daddy got shot. They got into a fighting?
What's your address?
I don't know.
Do you know who did it?
You just came home? Where were you?
I was at home.
Is there anybody with you?
Can you tell officers to come?
I got them on the way to you now ok?
So what did they do? Did somebody come to the house?
You say they were in the backyard?
They were in the backyard?
Yes. Will you tell them to come?
Yes, they are coming now, just stay on the phone with me.
Are they talking to you?
No, they are dead.
And they say the child is unharmed and is currently with extended family.
The boy remained on the phone with the dispatcher for more than a minute, as she repeatedly reassured(使安心)him that help was on the way.
I really don't know how is boy when he saw his parents' death at home.
How will he deal with all these, he is just 5 years old.
We just hope he can get through the pain and soon move on his own life.
Talk to you next time.