英语悠选脱口秀 第151期:爱情 让人疯狂(在线收听


Here is an example:
After work, Jack still spent some time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend.
First of all, I have a question, To what length(距离)have you gone for love?
A Dutch man has answered that question by his action of coming all the way to China, for the name of romance.
Recently, a report about a Dutch man travelled around the world to China to meet his so called girlfriend has gone viral on new media.
这个任性的荷兰大叔飞了半个地球,来中国见网友。大叔叫 Alexander Cirk, 41 years old.
Mr. Cirk met Ms. Zhang, 26, in an app two months ago and then romance blossomed. 以为这个故事到这里女主出场他们就从此过上了幸福的生活有happy ending了?
No no no no far from that !
Zhang didn't show up in the airport.
Mr. Cirk refused to leave the airport for the next 10 days 10 days ! 叔在机场呆了十天!
He was eventually taken to hospital suffering physical exhaustion(精疲力竭)以为故事就这么结束了?Far from it !
这条新闻在中国火了之后, 女主角联系到了当地电视台,站出来解释了她没有出现在机场的原因。
She says that she had thought it had all been a joke.
Ms Zhang told Hunan TV-"One day he sent me a photo of air tickets abruptly (唐突地)and I thought it was a joke. He didn't contact me later." 
By the time Mr Cirk arrived at the airport, she was away having plastic surgery,in another province,and had turned off her phone.
没法去见面因为在忙着整容,隐约觉得哪不对,但却觉得很有道理,竟无法反驳!以为故事到这里就画上句号了? Nononono.
还有后续,Ms Zhang reportedly said she would be keen to meet him after her recovery, and she was still interested in maintaining their relationship.
Talk to you next time!