英语PK台 第8期:那些你必须知道的英语知识(2)(在线收听


And now the sun threads upon me with a thousand feet that I may lie again in the dust of Egypt. --- Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran
Even the oil that does lie closer to the heart of the region could be tough to exploit.
The doctor knew that James was very ill. However, to make him feel better, he told him a white lie that he would recover soon.
For that matter是什么意思?
Don't talk like that to the elder, or to anyone else for that matter.
Nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs.
Successful marketing is a matter, amongst other things, of identifying the right product for particular market.
成功的营销除别的以外, 取决于对特定市场相定位的产品.
He pretends to understand, but as a matter of fact he doesn't.
他装懂, 实际上并没懂.
As a matter of fact, this was purely newspaper gossip and speculation.
事实上, 这纯粹是报纸上的闲谈和推测.
Play down与play along各表示什么含义?
The doctor played down the serious nature of the poor man's illness.
But Mr Sharma played down the defeats, insisting India was not trying to compete with China.
He plays along with his boss all the time, but I'm sure he does not really agree with him.
Still, he wanted to show that he understood the concept, so he played along. He typed up a detailed response.
He was born in Sweden, but he doesn't have Swedish citizenship.
他在瑞典出生, 但没有瑞典公民身份.
Chopin was born into the affluent home of a French father and a Polish mother of noble lineage in Warsaw.
On top of success in his business, his wife has borne him a chubby boy baby.
Figures show that the economic restructuring policy implemented by the SAR Government has borne fruit.数据显示,特区政府推动经济转型的政策已初见成效。
But this life is half made up of partings, and these pains must be borne.
Sir Walter could not have borne the degradation of being known to design letting his house.
Along with只表示”与…一道,一起”吗?
The search for vaccines has been hampered by fears that healthy tissue would be destroyed along with tumors.
Vanity Fair just named her to its best-dressed list, along with the likes of Kate Middleton and Lady Gaga.
《名利场》杂志刚刚将她评入最佳着装榜,一起入榜的还有英国王妃凯特-米德尔顿和Lady Gaga等人。
Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
Along with supporting her husband, Hillary Clinton's also been more comfortable stepping out on her own.
除支持丈夫的事业外, 希拉里?克林顿在独立应对事务方面也更加自信.