英语PK台 第30期:情人节遇上元宵节和男友标准(2)(在线收听


XiaoGao: ingJing, do you know what day it is tomorrow?
JingJing: February14th, the 15th day on the lunar calendar, The Lantern Festival!
XiaoGao: Oh! That’sright! The Lantern Festival, the lantern riddle festival, right? That’sawesome! I can eat yuan xiao!
JingJing: Traditionally,once the Lantern Festival is over, then the Spring Festival is officially over.We should all get serious and get backto the grind.
XiaoGao: Coincidentally,tomorrow is us Westerner’s Valentine’sDay! I’m about to buy my girlfriend a littlesomething, and then take her out for abite to eat.
JingJing: Wow! You’reso romantic! But I bet she won’t spend Valentine’s Day with you. She’ll mostdefinitely be with her family enjoying the Lantern Festival!
XiaoGao:Really? Wellwhat if I go to her house and spend the Lantern Festival with her family andspend Valentine’s Day with her!
JingJing:Uh…Are her parents okay with that?
XiaoGao: Of coursethey’ll be okay with it. Don’t underestimateme. I totally meet the “2014 Boyfriend” standards!
JingJing:Hahaha! Ican’t believe you know about that! Let me see: height 172-4550px, weight 65-85kg, normal hairstyle, warmhearted, doesn’t smoke, rarely drinks, not much of abar fan, bachelor’s degree or higher, salary between 3000-10000. Yup, not bad,you meet all of these!
京晶:哈哈哈!这你都知道!让我看看:身高172-4550px 、体重65-85kg 、发型普通,性格温和 、不吸烟,少喝酒,不爱泡吧、本科以上学历、月薪在3000-10000元之间 、嗯,不错,这些你都符合!
XiaoGao:Also, I cancook, I’m patient, I’m good to my parents, I’m loving, I’m motivated, I’m well-mannered, I don’t swear, I’m modest, I’m cautious,stable, generous, sincere when it comes to love, and I’m totally committed.Isn’t that me?
小高:还有呢!会煮饭、有耐心,有孝心,有爱心,有上进心 、举止斯文,不说脏话、谦虚、谨慎、稳重、大方 、对待爱情忠诚不二,有担当。这不就是我吗?
JingJing:Wow! XiaoGao! That is you! I hope you’re successful tomorrow! Have a great holiday!Happy Valentine’s Day and happy Lantern Festival!
New words for dialogue :
The Lantern Festival = 元宵节
Get back to the grind = to return to work(or school) after a period of relaxation or vacation
Valentine’s Day = 情人节
A little something = a small gift
Get (or grab) a bite to eat = 吃顿饭
Okay with something = 同意
Underestimate = 小看
Well-mannered =举止斯文
Swear = 说脏话