英语PK台 第61期:妹纸的职场选择题!(2)(在线收听


J:Hey, S, long time no see, what's up? 
Miss S:Well, after the Spring Festival, I ’ve had something on my mind, it's my job that bothers me. You know I 've been thinking about quitting it, and I finally made up my mind.
J: What ? You wanna quit? Why? Don't you find it satisfying?
Miss S: Well, after the Spring Festival holiday, I got a call from my former manager, he asked me to go back to work and said he would give me a salary that would put a smile on my face. Now I’m having second thoughts about quitting.
J: I don’t know what to say. But if I don’t like my job, regardless of the salary, I wouldn’t even consider it.
Miss S: Well I don't mind if I like the job or not, after all, it's not easy to find a job that you like. I just look for a good salary and a light workload. And there’s another reason that makes me want to quit.
J: Like what? What else?
Miss S:我觉得在一个地方呆久了我就会感觉很烦,想要换一个环境,我在现在这个公司已经待了两年了。
Miss S: I’ll be bored if I stay in one place too long. So I want to be in a new environment. I’ve been working for this company for 2 years!
J: You’re bored after only two years? You’ll have the same problem no matter what job it is unless you change constantly.So you have to ask yourself, what exactly do you want to do?
Miss S:嗯,我知道了,其实我也不太清楚自己到底想要什么。也许这就是我不开心的原因吧!不过,我决定还是继续留下来工作,谢谢你的建议。
Miss S: Well, I got it. My problem is that I actually don't know what I like to do. That makes me unhappy about my work. OK, I guess I’ll stay here and keep up working. Thank you for your suggestion.
J: You’re welcome.
Miss S: 你呢?你年前不是说年后回来也想换工作的吗?
Miss S: How about you? Didn’t you say you were gonna change your job after the Spring Festival?
J: Yeah. But I couldn’t find one that I liked. And I am still hunting for it
Miss S: 那你想找什么样的工作?
Miss S: What kind of job are you looking for?
J: One that involves foreign trade!
Miss S:外贸类的工作对英语的要求很高吧!
Miss S:That kind of job requires top notch English skills.
J: Yeah, so I am still listening to Going for Gold. I hope that it can improve my English a bit.
Miss S:那希望你学好英语后找到自己喜欢的工作!
Miss S:You can find your favorite job when you learn English well.
J: Thanks!
New words fordialogue:
[something] puts a smile on my face = [something] makes me happy (某事)让某人高兴、满意
Have second thoughts about something = think twice about doing something 仔细考虑(某事),再想一想
Top notch = the best, very high quality 高水平的