英语PK台 第131期:美国人的Mingle社交法(2)(在线收听


Xiao Gao and Jing Jing are at Jing Jing’s friend’s party, but Xiao Gao doesn’t know anyone besides Jing Jing
JJ:Okay, Xiao Gao, go work the crowd.
XG:No way! I don’t know anyone here! I’m way too shy.
JJ:How about I give you some mingling tips?
XG:Okay, I could definitely use some help.
JJ:First, you should turn that frown upside down. You’re not gonna make any new friends unless you start smiling. Next, before you talk to someone, you should visualize in your head how you want the conversation to go. Are you listening?
XG:Yeah, I’m still listening.
JJ:Good, because that’s my third tip. You have to be a good listener. You can’t do all the talking. A conversation is a two way street. You need to focus and maintain eye contact. Don’t let your concentration drift. You can ask new questions based on what they say to you.
XG:Okay, but I still feel a little nervous.
JJ:Well, my fourth tip should help you: assume you aren’t the only one who is nervous. Everyone here is a human, just like you and me, and we all have insecurities. But not only that, these people are conversations waiting to happen.
XG:I think I know what you mean. Any other tips?
JJ:Yeah, you should ask lots of questions. Not just the boring “where are you from” and “what kinds of food do you like”, you should pretend you’re a reporter on an assignment. You want to uncover the bigger story behind the person. The other person will be happy that you are genuinely interested in them. Now go on, Xiao Gao! Go talk to them!
京晶:有的,你可以多问问题,尽量别问那些千篇一律的什么“你从哪儿来?” “你喜欢吃什么?” 之类的问题。你得假装自己是个在执行任务的记者,你想要知道这个人背后更多的故事,对方都会很高兴你是真正地对他们感兴趣。去吧,小高,和大家聊聊去!
New words for dialog:
Go work the crowd = go talk to people 和人聊天
Mingle = move freely around a place or at a social function, associating with others 混合、交往、人际社交
Turn that frown upside down = smile 微笑
A two way street = a situation where both people have to put in effort 双方的努力
Let your concentration drift = become distracted 走神