篮球英文堂 第171期:父亲 童年 避难所 科比纪录片"缪斯"连载节选5(1)(在线收听

 He is a ball handling guard at 6 feet 10 that can shoot the long ball 他是个身高6尺10英寸的控球后卫,喜欢远投

And he had all the skills, had all the skills 他拥有所有的技术,所有的技术
Fans loved him, he can do virtually anything 球迷们喜欢他,实际上他可以做任何事情
So he played in NBA for 8 years 他在NBA打了8年
Then decided if he wanted to further his career 然后决定,如果他想继续他的职业生涯
and play the way he wanted to play should make the transition to play oversea, play in Italy, so he took us with him 按照自己的方式打球,应该去海外打球,应该去海外打球,去意大利,所以他带着我们一起
I was six and at six young you just go with the flow 我当时6岁,6岁的年纪只能随波逐流
You move to a place where you don't speak the language at all 你搬到一个地方你根本不会说当地的语言
You have friends there and last 2 years you bounced to another city and you have to start again  你交到了朋友然而过了两年你又要去另一座城市,然后你必须重新开始一切
And then 2 years later repeats itself, 2 years later that repeats itself 然后两年后再换一个地方,两年之后再换一个地方
Now you really don't know anybody and you have to figure things all over again 现在你谁都不认识了,必须从头再来
I'd be more than happy just to tag along 跟在他身边我非常开心
Just be around that atmosphere, just be around the game, be a ball boy and it was kind of be in a mix 就在场边,在比赛的氛围中,就像当个球童混在里边