刘毅词汇(中级)5000 lesson 15(在线收听


Lesson 15

allotte The profits from the candy sale have been allotted equally to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts.

banner The banners of many countries fly outside of the headquarters of the United Nations.

cliff Standing at the edge of the cliff, she could see the waves below.

crook I crooked my leg around the branch to keep from falling.

ensue In his anger he hit the man, and a fight ensued.

gap The cows ran away through a gap in the fence.

hoard They have a hoard of food in the basement.

When sugar, coffee, and other foods were scarce, many people hoarded them.

marsh It is not easy to cross the marsh on foot, we’d better go round it.

moan From time to time, during the night, there was a moan of pain from the sick man.

The sick child moaned a little, and then tell asleep.

notorious The notorious thief was finally caught and put to prison for his many crimes.

sermon After the guests left, father gave a sermon on table manners to the children.

site The big house on the hill has one of the best sites in town.

suppress The police suppressed the riot by firing over the heads of the crowd.

agony He has suffered agonies from his broken arm

desolate I was very desolate when my mother died last year.

everlasting We do not want to be involved in any war, we wish for everlasting peace.

excess Passengers must pay for excess baggage on an airplane.

gross The gross weight of the sack of flour is more than the net weight of the flour alone.

idiot He is intelligent, but sometimes he behaves like an idiot.

infinite Teaching little children usually requires infinite patience.

integrate The committee will try to integrate the different ideas into one uniform plan.

liable He stated that he was not liable for his wife’s debts.

You are liable to catch a cold if you go out without an overcoat.

miscellaneous The boy had a miscellaneous collection of stamps, stones, and many other things.

revenue The government got much revenue from taxes last year.

trifling The friends treated their quarrel as only a trifling matter.

amend The Constitution of the United States was amended so that women could vote.

architecture Greek architecture was quite different from modern architecture.

clarify The teacher’s explanation clarified the puzzling problems.

concept Some people still believe in the old concept that the sun moves round the earth.

dominant John had a very dominant nature, we all did what he wanted.

edit The teacher is editing famous speeches for use in school books.

portrait She had her portrait painted by a famous artist.

precaution They took heavy coats as a precaution against the possibility of cold weather.

pulse The doctor began to measure my pulse rate per minute.

renew I came back from my holiday with renewed strength.

transparent The silk dress she was wearing at the party was almost transparent.

universal It is a subject of universal interest, everyone is interested in it.

bullet The captain was killed in the battle by an enemy’s bullet.

congressman Mary is very proud of her father, he is a congressman.

flake The snow was falling on the ground in large flakes.

index The teacher taught the pupils how to use the index of their textbook.

nuisance Don’t make a nuisance of yourself, sit down and be quiet!

panic When the theater caught fire, there was panic in the audience.

scramble We scrambled up the rock for a better look at the sea.

When the money fell on the floor, everyone scrambled to get some.

squeeze She squeezed the juice out of several oranges.

strait This ship sails through the Strait of Gibraltar, where the water is often rough.

submarine The submarine will soon rise to the surface of water.

vehicle The Main Street is crowded with vehicles every morning.

weave My mother is weaving a winter sweater for me.

Zinc Zinc is combined with copper to make brass.
