英语PK台 第494期:英语聊端午,原来美国人民也"赛龙舟"(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing: Hey Mark, do you know next week we'll have a holiday?
  Mark: Another one? That's cool if we'll have a day or two off.
  Jingjing: Yeah, we'll have Monday and Tuesday off. Tuesday's the actual holiday.
  Mark: Hold on, I'm looking it up on my phone. You're right: it's the Dragon Boat Festival May 30th.
  Jingjing: Do you know why the holiday is celebrated?
  Mark: Yeah, so we can get out of the city for a day or two and enjoy the great outdoors before it gets to be too hot every day.
  Jingjing: Hey, are you looking that up on your phone too? I'm trying to give you the scoop on Chinese culture.
  Mark: I found something about Qū Yuán. Isn't that the poet who killed himself more than 2000 years ago?
  Jingjing: What do you need friends for when you've got Wikipedia? But yeah, it was during the warring states period, around 300 b.c. Do you know why he killed himself?
  Mark: Is there ever a good reason? Well, it says here he drowned himself in a river because he was depressed about having been exiled. But before that, he had written a bunch of folk tales and poems.
  Jingjing: Where does the tradition of dragon boats come from then? Any ideas about that one?
  Mark: Some people wanted to rescue Qū Yuán. So, it's a tradition, now, to go out on the river in dragon-shaped boats.
  Jingjing: Are you going to try to find a dragon boat next weekend?
  Mark: Maybe I'll rent a kayak at Beidaihe—and, if not there, then just Houhai.
  New words: 习语短语
  get out of the city
  (go on a trip for pleasure and relaxation, to a quiet town or scenic spot)
  I've got to get out of the city for a while, or else I'll be depressed.
  the great outdoors
  (a natural scenic spot)
  Spring is a good chance to see the great outdoors.
  give you the scoop on
  (give you useful information about something, what most people should know)
  Let me give you the scoop on my new colleagues before you meet them.
  exiled 流放
  (punished by not being allowed to enter a city/country, usually one's own city/country)
  kayak 皮划艇
  (a long, narrow boat, with a seat for one or two people in the middle, usually propelled by a double-bladed paddle)
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing sees Mark one more time before the holiday.
  Mark: This year feels like it's flying by. I remember the Dragon Boat Festival being closer to summer every year.
  Jingjing: It's been in June for the previous several years.
  Mark: Is that because of the lunar calendar?
  Jingjing: Yep. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
  Mark: Yeah, in America, some cities have a festival. But I don't think they set the dates the same way.
  Jingjing: Really? Does your home town have one?
  Mark: Yeah, it'll be on September 9th and 10th this year. My dad used to do a dragon boat race, competing with his company against other companies that sponsored boats.
  Jingjing: That must have been quite a sight.
  Mark: Yeah, it was pretty awesome. He'd train for it with his co-workers, and then came the big day of the race every year.
  Jingjing: Did his company win?
  Mark: What do you think? He worked as a computer systems engineer in a company that did medical databases for large hospitals. Portland is also home to Nike.
  Jingjing: Um, well, I'm glad he got involved in that. It's cool to hear how Chinese traditions are being adopted around the world.
  Mark: Yeah, I'm looking forward to going boating this weekend. I'll be thinking about tradition while I bask in the sun.
  Jingjing: That's cool. I got you something. It's a stuffed dragon that you can put on the head of your boat.
  Mark: Wow, it's super cute! Thanks, Jingjing!
  New words: 习语短语
  flying by 时间飞逝
  (time passing by quickly)
  This weekend is flying by so quickly that I haven't caught up on work yet.
  lunar calendar农历
  (a calendar based on the phases of the moon)
  quite a sight 特别夺眼球的景象
  (something that looks impressive, especially a public spectacle or a piece of architecture)
  When the glass bridge was opened to the public, it was quite a sight.
  home to总部,大本营
  (the place where something originates or is headquartered)
  New York is home to the Yankees baseball team and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  bask in the sun 阳光浴
  (sunbathe, or enjoy a day out in sunny weather)