留美老师带你每日说英文 第996期:性别刻板印象(在线收听

   As children there is no limit to what we believe we can become but as girls and boys, we are steered in different directions growing up. This happens because of what we call "gender stereotypes."

  1.limit 界线;界限;限制
  limit (n.) 界线;界限;限制
  limitation (n.) 限制;局限
  2.steer 驾驶;指导;带领
  steer (v.) 驾驶;指导;带领
  guide (v.) 带领 ;引导
  3.direction 方向;方位
  direction (n.) 方向;方位
  orientation (n.) 定向;(对新工作、新活动的)培训
  4.stereotype 刻板印象,老套俗见
  stereotype (n.) 刻板印象,老套俗见
  discrimination (n.) 歧视;区别对待