留美老师带你每日说英文 第1006期:对美丽形象产生的共识(在线收听

   The media, magazines, TV channels and online ads bombard us with images of what they consider beautiful until after staring for hours at these images, a general consensus is formed.

  1.ad 广告
  advertisement (n.) 广告
  commercial (n.) 商业广告
  2.bombard 连续炮撃;连续轰炸
  bombard (v.) 连续炮撃;连续轰炸
  question (v.) 怀疑;询问;审问
  interrogate (v.) 审问;质问
  3.stare 凝视,注视
  stare (v.) 凝视,注视
  gaze (v.) 凝视;注视
  4.consensus 一致的意见;共识
  consensus (n.) 一致的意见;共识
  agreement (n.) 意见一致;同意;协定