留美老师带你每日说英文 第1011期:婚礼的举办(在线收听

   But unlike regular weddings, these ones involve an elaborately choreographed event that will be watched by an audience of millions. One of the first decisions a couple makes is deciding where to actually do the thing.

  1.elaborately 精心地;精巧地
  elaborately (adv.) 精心地;精巧地
  elaborate (v.) 精心制作;详尽阐述,发挥
  2.choreographed 刻意安排的
  choreographed (adj.) 刻意安排的
  3.audience 听众,观众
  audience (n.) 听众,观众
  4.couple 夫妇;未婚夫妻
  couple (n.) 夫妇;未婚夫妻
  5.decision 决定,决心;判断
  decision (n.) 决定,决心;判断
  decide (v.) 决定;决意