留美老师带你每日说英文 第1017期:笨手笨脚应该怎么办(在线收听

   It's normal to hate our klutz and with a grim face to try to deny it's even really there inside us. Instead, we strive to hold on to our dignity and when we can presume that the klutz has gone away for good.

  1.klutz 笨手笨脚的人、笨蛋
  klutz (n.) 笨手笨脚的人、笨蛋
  clumsy (adj.) 笨手笨脚的
  all thumbs (phr.) 笨手笨脚的
  2.strive 努力奋斗、斗争
  strive (v.) 努力奋斗、斗争
  struggle (v.) 努力奋斗、斗争
  3.dignity 尊严、高贵
  dignity (n.) 尊严、高贵
  dignity therapy (n.) 尊严治疗
  euthanasia (n.) 安乐死
  4.presume 假定、推测
  presume (v.) 假定、推测
  assume (v.) 假想、假设
  resume (n.) 履历、概要
  resume (v.) 重新开始、恢复