留美老师带你每日说英文 第1025期:对生活中的小事心存感恩(在线收听

   We appreciate the slice of toast, the friendly encounter, the long hot bath, the spring morning -- and properly keep in mind how much worse it could, and probably will one day, be.

  1.appreciate 感激;欣赏
  appreciate (v.) 感激;欣赏
  appropriate (adj.) 适当的;恰当的
  2.slice 切片;薄片
  slice (n.) 切片;薄片
  cut (v.) 切;割
  3.toast 吐司;烤面包片
  toast (n.) 吐司;烤面包片
  toast (v.) 烤
  toast (n.) 祝酒;敬酒
  4.encounter 偶然相遇;遭遇
  encounter (n.) 偶然相遇;遭遇
  counter (adj.) 相反的;对立的