向前一步:第119期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(15)(在线收听

   Since the group included members of the security team, I asked what they were most worried about. 与会工程师里有几位网络安全团队的成员,我问他们最担心的是什么。

  Without being called on, Chad Greene blurted out, "Opening a Facebook office in that region." 还没问到查德·格林,他就脱口而出:“你打算在那里开分公司?”
  He explained why it wouldn't work and why I was dead wrong in front of the entire group. I loved it. 随后他说他认为这个策略完全行不通,并给出了充分的理由。我高兴坏了。
  We had never met before, and I will never forget that strong introduction. 我之前对他不熟悉,但这样令人信服的自我介绍绝对给人印象深刻。
  I ended the meeting by thanking Chad for his candor 会议接近尾声时,我感谢了查德的直率,
  and then posted the story on Facebook to encourage the rest of the company to follow his example. 并在脸谱网上发帖,鼓励公司其他人向他学习。
  Mark feels the same way. 扎克伯格对此也深有同感。
  At a summer barbecue four years ago, an intern told Mark that he should work on his public speaking skills. 4年前在一次夏日烧烤活动上,一位实习生提醒他是否能再提高一些公共演讲的技巧,
  Mark thanked him in front of everyone and then encouraged us to extend him a full-time job offer. 扎克伯格当着所有人的面感谢了这位实习生,并提议让他提前转正。
  Humor can be an amazing tool for delivering an honest message in a good-natured way. 幽默是个相当神奇的工具,它能让我们用友善的方式传递真实的想法。
  A recent study even found that "sense of humor" was the phrase most frequently used to describe the most effective leaders. 最近一项研究发现,最常被用来描述高效能领导者的词竟然是“幽默感”。
  I have seen humor get results so many times. 幽默的奇效我见识过好多次。
  After working in the Obama White House, Marne Levine joined Facebook to run global public policy. 在奥巴马政府工作了一段时间之后,马恩·莱文开始负责脸谱网的全球公共政策事务。
  Marne is polished, professional, and highly competent. 莱文举止优雅,专业水准高,能力也很强。
  During her first week at her job, she needed a colleague from another team to finish drafting a few paragraphs for an upcoming congressional testimony. 最初的几周里,她需要其他团队的一位同事协助起草一份国会证言中的几段文字,
  The colleague was dragging his heels. He kept coming to Marne to ask questions, which she would duly answer, then she would wait, but still no paragraphs. 因为任务比较急,莱文让他尽快完成。但这位同事却显得很拖拉,迟迟未能交稿。