向前一步:第121期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(17)(在线收听

   I had been at Google about three months when an uncomfortable situation erupted. 我在谷歌工作了3个月后,突然遭遇了让我很不自在的情况。

  I had started at the company reporting to Eric Schmidt but was transitioning to work for Omid Kordestani. 我的顶头上司开始是埃里克·施密特,然后我被调到了奥米德·柯德斯塔尼的手下。
  During that process, Omid and I had a major misunderstanding. 这个过程中我和奥米德之间产生了很大的误会。
  I went to discuss it with him, intending to explain calmly why I was upset, but as soon as I started talking, I burst into tears. 我去找他,打算冷静地解释一下我的想法,但刚一开始交谈我就忍不住流下了眼泪。
  I was horrified to be crying in front of my new boss whom I barely knew—which just made more tears flow. 在几乎不认识的新老板面前哭,这件事让我倍感压力,因此我哭得更厉害了。
  But I got lucky. Omid was patient and reassuring, insisting, "Everyone gets upset at work. It's okay." 奥米德很有耐心,并安慰我说:“每个人在工作中都有不开心的时候,这没什么。”
  Most women believe—and research suggests—that it is not a good idea to cry at work. 大多数女性都认为(研究也显示),在工作的时候哭泣不是件好事。
  It is never something that I plan to do and is hardly recommended in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 这根本不是我计划内的,《高效能人士的七个习惯》这本书里也没有这样的建议,
  but on those rare occasions when I have felt really frustrated, or worse, betrayed, tears have filled my eyes. 但有时候我实在是太过沮丧甚至有种被出卖的感觉,就忍不住委屈流泪。
  Even as I have gotten older and more experienced, it still happens every so often. 就算年纪越来越大,工作经验更加丰富,这种情况仍然会发生。
  I had been working at Facebook for almost a year when I learned that someone had said something about me that was not just false, but cruel. 在脸谱网工作了差不多一年之后,我发现有人在议论我,其言辞相当犀利而且不近人情。
  I started telling Mark about it and, despite my best efforts, started to cry. 我跟扎克伯格提起这件事,尽管努力克制,但我还是哭了。
  He assured me that the accusation was so untrue that no one could possibly believe it. 他安慰我说,这种指责是无稽之谈,也没人会相信。