大家说英语 第450期:一起来做饭吧!(2)(在线收听

   OK, we have all the ingredients for our cookies. 好的,我们已经把所有制作曲奇的材料准备好了。

  Now we mix everything together to make dough. 现在我们要把所有东西混在一起制作面团。
  I can mix it with this spoon. 我可以用这个勺子来搅拌。
  Yes. Mix everything until it's smooth. 是的。把所有东西混在一起搅拌直到平滑为止。
  OK. 好的。
  Now take a little dough and make it into a ball. Then put it on the pan. 现在拿出一点儿面团,将它做成一个球。然后把它放在烤盘上。
  Like this? 就像这样吗?
  Yes. When you're done, put the cookies into the oven! 是的。做完之后你再把曲奇放到烤箱里!
  What are you eating, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你在吃什么?
  Cookies! Ben and Linda made them. 曲奇!是本和琳达做的。
  Oh, really? Can I try one? 哦,真的吗?我能尝一块儿吗?
  Sure! 当然了!
  They're very yummy. 非常好吃!
  I agree. Ben can bake and cook now! 没错。本现在会烘培也会烹饪了!
  I know. He can use the stove and the oven now. 我知道。他现在会用火炉和烤箱了。
  Right. He doesn't just use the microwave anymore. You and Linda helped him a lot. 是的。他不再只用微波炉了。你和琳达帮了他很多啊!
  Ben is a great student. He listens well and follows directions. 本是个很出色的学生。他很听话,并且遵循指导。
  Ben is ready for Chef Oscar's show now. 本现在已经做好去奥斯卡主厨的节目了。
  Yes, he will be fine. 是的,他会表现很出色的。
  These cookies are good. Maybe he can make another kind. 这些曲奇真的不错。也许他可以做其他种类的。
  Or maybe he can make another kind of dessert. 或者他会制作另外一种甜点。
  Yeah! Maybe he can make a cake. I like cake. 是啊!也许他能做一个蛋糕。我喜欢蛋糕。
  Why don't we go and ask him? 为什么我们不一起去问问他呢?