英语PK台 第570期:实用商务英语(2):接送外宾到公司(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing works for a company in Beijing. Mark is visiting as a representative of an international company. Jingjing is meeting him in the lobby of his hotel on the first morning of his visit.
  Jingjing: Good morning, Mark. Have you eaten breakfast already?
  Mark: Yes. I did. Because of the time difference, I got up super early.
  Jingjing: Oh, you should have texted me to come meet you earlier!
  Mark: That's alright. It gave me a chance to catch up on some work and go for a morning walk.
  Jingjing: Oh, so you got to see some of Beijing already.
  Mark: Well, it wasn't exactly a tour. Anyway, I got your text. Thanks for making the arrangements for me to visit your office.
  Jingjing: No problem. We thought it'd be nice to introduce you around, take you out for lunch. Then, just as I said in the text, I'm available to take you to one of the famous historical sites.
  Mark: I think the Temple of Heaven would be best. From what I read about it, it's not too far away, not too crowded—great for a quick afternoon. That way, we can focus on business.
  Jingjing: Ok. Well, I have the car waiting out front. Are you ready to head out now?
  Mark: Sure. How far is it to the office?
  Jingjing: It should take us half an hour, 45 minutes tops. Traffic was pretty light on my way over.
  Mark: That's reasonable. Let me just make sure I have everything... Yep, let's get started.
  Jingjing: It's that silver SUV just outside the door.
  Mark: Oh, it's a different car from yesterday evening.
  Jingjing: Yeah. We have a small fleet.
  New words: 习语短语
  Time difference 时差
  When the time in your city of origin is very different from that of the city you are visiting, due to different time zones, you feel odd because of the time difference.
  Introduce someone around 把某人介绍给大家
  Make introductions to whoever is there at the office, without being too careful to introduce the visitor only to certain people. This is an expression of openness, and is somewhat informal, though used often in professional settings.
  Head out 出发,外出
  start going out, i.e. from a hotel
  tops (估计)最多
  maximum estimate
  (This is tagged at the end of the actual estimate, i.e. "The repairs will cost us 20,000 tops.")
  Traffic was pretty light 路况比较通畅
  (This is a common adjective-noun collocation: light traffic.)
  fleet 车队
  a set of vehicles (cars, vans, SUVs, even buses) belonging to a company
  Dialogue 2
  Jingjing and Mark are talking in the car.
  Jingjing: Well, traffic seems to be a little heavier going this way. Is the AC alright back there?
  Mark: Yeah. I'm not really picky about the temperature.
  Jingjing: That's good. Beijing has a pretty wide range of temperatures throughout the year. It's unusually hot today, for this time of year.
  Mark: It looks like it'll be a nice day. When I was out for a walk, I was amazed to see people starting their day so early. A lot of old people are really active in this city.
  Jingjing: I'm glad you noticed that. Oh, now that we're on the expressway, it's sure to be no more than 10 or 15 more minutes.
  Mark: Great. So, am I going to get to meet the leader this morning?
  Jingjing: Oh, well, I wasn't sure when I sent the text last night. But I've been told she's coming back from her business trip this afternoon. You'll most likely meet her at dinner this evening.
  Mark: OK. I'm looking forward to meeting your team. I'm a little out of my element looking into a tech transfer. So, it'll be nice to get to know some of your people before any talk of a deal.
  Jingjing: Yes. You've probably heard that Chinese business people don't like talking about deals right away.
  Mark: That's what I've been told. Say, I heard a funny story about a guy who visited a company in Shanghai for several days, and no one would talk directly about any deal between his company and the China partner. Finally, at a banquet, the company director made a speech and had made all kinds of assumptions about what the two companies would be bringing to the table.
  Jingjing: That sounds interesting.
  Mark: It was frustrating. The guy visiting wasn't authorized by his company to agree with everything the Shanghai director had taken for granted, and at the same time the guy didn't want to refuse anything, especially over dinner.
  Jingjing: Are you sure the guy hadn't been given any details about the deal during the earlier days of his visit?
  Mark: You know, it's just one of those stories you hear.
  Jingjing: Well, we're here to arrive at a win-win. I don't think you need to worry about being taken for a ride.
  Mark: Oh, speaking of rides, it looks like we're getting off the expressway now.
  Jingjing: This is our exit. You see that tall building on the left-hand side of the bridge? That's our office.
  Mark: Wow, it's an impressive building!
  New words: 习语短语
  Traffic seems to be a little heavier 交通看上去有些拥堵了
  (This is a common adjective-noun collocation: heavy traffic.)
  Out of my element 我觉得有些外行,有些格格不入
  Doing something I don't feel especially suited or qualified forany talk of any discussion about (the topic isn't mentioned)
  Bringing to the table 合作中带来有价值的东西
  Offering something valuable in a cooperative venture (knowledge, skills, abilities, capital, etc)
  over dinner 在晚餐场合
  to talk about something in a setting other than a meeting room, alternately, over lunch, over coffee
  it's just one of those 就是那些……其中的一个
  (This is a way to refer to something about which you only know a little. "Well, it's just one of those things...")
  win-win 双赢
  a situation of mutual benefit
  Being taken for a ride 被带去兜风,被欺骗,被忽悠
  Getting into a situation that is not beneficial for you, and is likely to take too much of your time or money