英语PK台 第573期:尿裤子的男孩经历解围"奇迹"(在线收听

   There was once a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk in a classroom, trying to pay attention to the multiplication tables the teacher was introducing to him and his classmates. Suddenly, there was a yellow puddle between his feet, and the front of his pants had gotten wet too!

  He thought his heart was going to stop! He couldn't imagine how this terrible thing might have happened. It had never happened before, not even when he was in kindergarten! He knew that if the other boys in class would ever find out about it, he would be teased, scolded and made fun of every single day of his years as an elementary school student. Maybe even his entire life! And of course, he would lose all his friends and would never be chosen anymore in someone's football team.
  As for the girls, if they would find out, they would never speak to him again for as long as he lived, they wouldn't even want to sit next to him anymore! Let alone helping him with his homework! He felt so ashamed and thought that, from this point on, he would never be able to face anyone in the entire school.
  Obviously, the boy was panicking. His could hear his heart pounding at a very fast pace. Desperately, he put his head down and prayed for a miracle. He was convinced that, only after several minutes, maybe even seconds, everyone would see what he had done. His miserable, lonely life was about to begin! He looked up, and he noticed that a teacher was approaching him.
  As the teacher was walking towards him, a classmate named Susie, who was carrying a goldfish bowl filled with water, tripped in front of the teacher and inexplicably dropped the bowl of water on the boy's lap! He was SAVED!!!
  But of course, the boy pretended to be angry at Susie. "Oh no! Look what you've done!" He said. "These are my newest pants! My mom will be mad at me now, she'll think this is my own fault and say that I'll get sick because it's getting cold outside! Susie was a bit startled by his reaction at first, but calmly apologized and told him it was not on purpose. She said she just accidentally slipped over something on the floor.
  The boy couldn't be happier; he couldn't believe this miracle! He was forever grateful that Susie had not watched her steps carefully, and that a clumsy classmate had dropped something earlier that day, which had made the floor slippery.
  When the other children noticed what was going on, it even got better! All of a sudden, instead of being an object of ridicule as he had feared so much, he became an object of sympathy. Asides Susie, all the other children were on their hands and knees cleaning up the watery mess 'she' had made. Their sympathy for him felt wonderful.
  It being kids though, the teasing and hat should have been directed towards him, was now transferred to someone else: Susie. She tried to help, but they told her that it was all her fault, that she was clumsy, and said other mean things such as: "Even with those gigantic glasses of yours, you cannot see a thing!"
  It seemed however, that Susie couldn't care less about any of the nasty remarks they made. She simply ignored the bullying kids, and went back to her seat. As she sat there, she even had a slight smile on her face, as if she knew something others didn't.
  The teacher comforted him and took him downstairs to give him gym shorts to put on while his wet pants dried, hanging on a string in the school's hall. At the end of the day, as all the students were waiting for the school bus to pick them up, the boy walked over to Susie and whispered, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Susie whispered back: "I wet my pants once too."
  Moral: All of us go through good and bad things in life. We should always remember how we felt when we were in a similar situation, and should not mock others for being in it. Always try to understand someone else's circumstances as if you are in the same, and help out as much as possible. To help yourself, keep trying every day to be in a situation that enables you to help someone who needs it.