英语PK台 第584期:化妆品英语之谈论购买护肤品(在线收听

   一. 化妆品/护肤品/洗涤

  护肤:skin care
  洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash (foaming, milky, cream, gel)
  紧肤水:firming lotion
  柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)
  护肤霜:moisturizers and creams
  隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block
  日霜:day cream
  晚霜:night cream
  眼霜:eye gel
  面膜:facial mask/masque
  眼膜:eye mask
  护唇用:lip care
  磨砂膏: facial scrub
  去黑头:(deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining
  润肤露 (香体乳):lotion/moisturizer
  护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer
  二. 化妆品/护肤品功能
  active (赋活用)
  after sun (日晒后用品)
  alcohol-free (无酒精)
  anti- (抗、防)
  anti-wrinkle (抗老防皱)
  clean-/purify- (清洁用)
  combination (混合性皮肤)
  sensitive (敏感性皮肤)
  dry (干性皮肤)
  oily (油性皮肤)
  essence (精华液)
  facial (脸部用)
  firm (紧肤)
  foam (泡沫)
  gentle (温和的)
  hydra- (保湿用)
  long lasting (持久性)
  nutritious (滋养)
  oil-control (抑制油脂)
  pack (剥撕式面膜)
  peeling (敷面剥落式面膜)
  remover (去除、卸妆)
  repair (修护)
  scrub (磨砂式去角质)
  Dialogue 1
  Mark: Jingjing, you're looking pretty healthy these days.
  Jingjing: I'm glad you noticed. I've been trying to take good care of myself.
  Mark: Do you use many cosmetics?
  Jingjing: You know, I used to spend lots of money on every kind of product. Now I've got some products I trust, without a huge total cost.
  Mark: It takes a while to find what works for you.
  Jingjing: You said it. It might take a dozen expensive mistakes before you find the right set of products for yourself.
  Mark: Yeah, each person's skin and hair is different.
  Jingjing: I used to think the most famous brands were the best, you know like Clinique, or even Chanel.
  Mark: Well, they're famous for a reason. The more money you spend, the better the product you get.
  Jingjing: Yeah, but more of your money might be going to better advertisements and marketing.
  Mark: Ha ha, that figures. Also, one price point in one brand might not mean the same level of quality in another brand.
  Jingjing: I've noticed. Anyway, with some products, you don't have to use so much each time.
  Mark: Wow, it sounds like you have to do a lot of experimenting before you can settle on the right collection of cosmetics.
  Jingjing: Yeah. Next time we talk, I'll tell you some things I found out.
  New words: 习语短语
  What works for you (noun phrase) 适合你的商品
  suitable and effective products
  Expensive mistakes 昂贵的试错
  After buying the wrong product, you either find that it doesn't work for you and you've wasted the money, or you find it does damage and have to get another product to fix it.
  That figures. 那个有道理/说得通
  That makes sense.
  price point 价格点/一款物品的均价
  the regular price for one item, planned by the manufacturers and retailers
  level of quality 质量水平
  How good a product is, considering a range of factors
  settle on 安于,将就
  to be content with, because it is acceptable and probably ideal
  Dialogue 2
  The next day
  Jingjing: Good to see you again, Mark. Wanna hear more about cosmetics?
  Mark: Sure. I think it's an interesting topic.
  Jingjing: Well, I found I could get a better value from brands sold directly through shops. Especially for skin care, it was better to get a set of products from a speciality shop than a department store.
  Mark: You mean house brands?
  Jingjing: Yeah, sort of. It's important not to mix brands too much. And, while some products get used up pretty quickly, you can keep the total costs down by going directly to a brand shop.
  Mark: Do you buy anything online?
  Jingjing: Sometimes, if there's a special deal. Also, I find that switching shampoos every few months is a good idea. So I rotate brands on hair care products.
  Mark: Yeah, I know at least it's good to use high-quality shampoo, conditioner and soap.
  Jingjing: No doubt. Why would someone pay hundreds of yuan for moisturiser when their cheap soap is drying out their skin in the first place?
  Mark: Ha ha. What about make-up?
  Jingjing: Well, I seldom use it. So, while I won't settle for cheap make-up and lipstick, I don't have to spend that much in a year.
  Mark: That makes sense. It's good to have a full set of everything, rather than having to run out to the store.
  Jingjing: Definitely. And now it's fun to try a new product once in a while—a much more expensive one, or one that a friend recommended.
  Mark: That does sound like fun. Thanks for telling me all about it.
  New words: 习语短语
  value 价格合理质量高
  good quality for a reasonable price
  house brands 公司品牌
  products with the store name used as the brand, i.e. Innis Free, Sephora, Watsons
  rotate 来回互换
  alternate with a set of three or more items
  in the first place 一开始
  to begin with
  settle for 安于 将就
  to be content with, because it is acceptable but maybe not ideal
  run out to the store 去商店快买快回
  go on a quick trip to a nearby store or a shopping mall just to buy something and come back (I'm going to run out to the store for some salt and oil before I start cooking dinner.)