美国学生历史 第112期:第二次独立战争(4)(在线收听

   264. Constitution and Guerrière, 1812. 264."宪法"号与"格瑞尔"号(1812年)

  For some time Hull cruised about in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 哈尔船长指挥"宪法"号在圣劳伦斯湾巡航了一段时间。
  One day he sighted a British frigate-the Guerrière-one of the ships that had chased the Constitution. 一天他发现一艘英国护卫舰--"格瑞尔"号,这艘船曾经追击过"宪法"号,
  But now that Hull found her alone, he steered straight for her. 但是,现在哈尔船长发现这条船只身一个,他直奔"格瑞尔号"而去。
  In thirty minutes from the firing of the first gun the Guerrière was a ruinous wreck. 从开第一炮开始不到三十分钟"格瑞尔"号就成了一片残骸,
  All of her masts and spars were shot away and most of her crew were killed or wounded. 它的所有桅杆和帆樯都被大炮轰得无影无踪,船上的大部分船员都被杀死或负伤。
  The Constitution was only slightly injured, and was soon ready to fight another British frigate, had there been one to fight. "宪法"号损失轻微,如果再有一艘英国护卫舰的话,"宪法"号很快可以准备好再战。
  Indeed, the surgeons of the Constitution went on board of the Guerrière to help dress the wounds of the British seamen. 实际上,"宪法"号上的外科医生去了"格瑞尔"号帮助护理受伤的英国海员。
  The Guerrière was a little smaller than the Constitution and had smaller guns. "格瑞尔"号比"宪法"号要小一些,而且火炮配备也"宪法"号差,
  But the real reason for this great victory was that the American ship and the American guns were very much better handled than were the British ship and the British guns. 但是,这次大获全胜的真正原因是"宪法"号在船只和炮火的操控方面远远胜过"格瑞尔"号。