英语PK台 第613期:和朋友聊聊你的旅行计划(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing and Mark run into each other in the hallway.
Mark: Hey Jingjing, what's happening?
Jingjing: I've been pretty busy. And it's good to see you.
Mark: I like to be seen by busy people. Work's going well, I assume. How's your personal life?
Jingjing: Well, I'm deciding where to go on a trip.
Mark: But there's no holiday coming up.
Jingjing: This'd be for the Spring Festival.
Mark: But that's months away! Why are you making plans so early?
Jingjing: I got tired of fighting for tickets in the days leading up to the holiday. You know, those days I'm usually swamped with work. So, I'd like to avoid the extra headache.
Mark: That sounds very proactive. Do you think you'll find better deals that way?
Jingjing: A friend of mine told me about some websites that offer specials every once in a while. It's a matter of checking the site once or twice a day, and grabbing up a deal when it becomes available.
Mark: Hmm, you stand a better chance of finding something that way, not just because there are so many weeks before the holiday draws near, but mainly because there are not so many people searching right now.
Jingjing: That's just what I'm thinking. Anyway, I know what I spent last year, just to visit relatives in China. So, if I can find an international trip for the same price, or take my family with me on a trip for just about the same money...
Mark: It's worth keeping your eye on a few websites.
Jingjing: That's it. Hey, I've gotta get back to the office.
Mark: Wanna meet for lunch?
Jingjing: Yeah, I'll text you when I'm going to the lobby. If you can knock off work then, it'll be my treat.
Mark: Let me take care of it if I'm free today. See you later.
New words: 习语短语
personal life 生活,个人生活
What you do outside of work, with friends and family
swamped 工作缠身,忙得不可开交
Very busy, with projects and requests from colleagues
headache 令人头疼的事
something irritating or boring, a hassle
proactive 积极主动的,先发制人的
Doing things before they are necessary, to save time and energy in the long run
keep your eye on (something/someone) 密切关注某事
Watch something, check it frequently, notice small changes (alternately, "I'm keeping an eye on it.")
Dialogue 2
Mark and Jingjing meet for lunch.
Jingjing: I'm glad we both have time to have a bit nicer lunch today.
Mark: Yeah, people complain about long stretches with no holidays. But I like smooth sailing at work.
Jingjing: Come to think of it, so do I. Oh, that reminds me, there are two good travel deals I saw on the websites right before I met up with you.
Mark: Oh yeah? What are they?
Jingjing: One is for a cruise in the Mediterranean, including the flight. The other is for a resort in Fiji.
Mark: Hmm, Europe versus the South Pacific. Are they about the same price?
Jingjing: They're almost exactly the same price, especially if I book for a group. So, I'm thinking of going together with my relatives.
Mark: You've already been to Europe, haven't you? Besides, it might be a bit of a disappointment to spend most of the holiday on a ship, and to be let out only for a few hours at a time at some highly touristed areas.
Jingjing: I agree, but if I have relatives with me, the cruise might be a better way to keep them active without all the hustle and fuss of transportation and tickets.
Mark: That's a good thing to keep in mind. That sounds like an easy choice.
Jingjing: Yeah, I guess so. Well, the travel agency has a way for me to reserve the tickets for only a small fee. Let me do that. Then I'll have 24 hours to confirm with my relatives and pay the full amount.
Mark: Try it now, if you can do it on your phone. How about I get the server over here and order our lunches?
Jingjing: OK, thanks!
New words: 习语短语
smooth sailing 工作生活处于一帆风顺中
a time period during which a job or a relationship is going well, so that even hard work feels easy enough
stretch 伸展,延伸
a long period of time or a long span of roadway, without many changes
touristed 游客聚集的,游览者喜欢的
crowded with, and adapted for, tourists (people complain that touristed areas lack the authenticity of the country and culture)
hustle and fuss 麻烦,喧嚣忙乱
difficulty caused by competition (i.e. the hustle and fuss of rush hour traffic, or, the hustle and fuss of leaving the stadium after the game, or, the hustle and fuss of job hunting after graduation)
versus 与……相比(相对)比较两种不同的想法,选择等
compared with, in contrast to (sometimes written as vs or just v)