英语PK台 第638期:新年倒计时,你的跨年计划准备好了吗?(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing and Mark run into each other at the airport.
Jingjing: Mark, is that you?
Mark: Of course it's me. What are the odds of meeting you here, Jingjing?
Jingjing: Oh, yeah. I'm flying out to Shanghai. What brings you to T3?
Mark: Nothing quite as exciting. I just saw someone off. What's going on in Shanghai?
Jingjing: I'll be there for a New Year's party.
Mark: You'll have to tell me all about it. Do you have some time before your flight?
Jingjing: Yeah, I was just about to go get a hot drink. I don't remember if there's a good café in the ticketed area. So, I was going to try to find a table at one of the crowded coffee shops here in the public area. Wanna sit down with me for a few minutes?
Mark: Sure, I wouldn't mind getting off my feet. I had to carry my friend's luggage all morning. Say, why aren't you taking the train to Shanghai, instead of flying?
Jingjing: Actually I'd prefer that, especially as it's the same amount of time, all told. But I had a meeting this morning and have to be in Shanghai before 5pm to get tickets for the party.
Mark: Wow, that's a tight schedule. Let's hope the flight will be on time.
马克:哇,安排得真紧凑啊!让我们希望飞机能准点吧 。
Jingjing: I hope so. I looked at the board already. Everything's pretty clear.
Mark: It looks like a good day for flying. The wind's calmed down. So, tell me about this party.
Jingjing: I will. Hey, I see a table. How about you take my bags over there and have a seat. I'll buy us a couple drinks. What would you like?
Mark: How about a plain cup of coffee.
Jingjing: Is that an Americano?
Mark: No no no. Just house coffee. It should be less than 20 yuan.
Jingjing: OK, I'll be back in a few.
New words: 习语短语
What are the odds of _____? 怎么会这样?
This is used to express surprise, when something unlikely is happening. Alternately, it can express incredulity about something very unlikely to happen.
What brings you to _____? 是什么把你带到了这里?你怎么会在这儿?
Why are you here?
getting off my feet 长时间站立或行走后坐下休息
sitting down and taking a rest after standing up or walking for a long time
all told 总共
in total
tight schedule 紧凑的安排
many things to do within a short amount of time
the board 机场或火车站的到达/出发 告示牌
the arrivals/departure board at an airport or a train station
Dialogue 2
a few minutes later
Jingjing: Sorry that took so long. Here.
Mark: Perfect. Now I can wake up. So, tell me about that party.
Jingjing: Well, a friend of a friend has a new office overlooking the Bund. They haven't furnished it yet. So, it'll be a bit like a nightclub. They're bringing in a caterer and an open bar.
Mark: Wow, so you can see the lights of the Bund without having to stand shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of strangers in the cold!
Jingjing: You know the HSBC Building, don't you? That's pretty close to the Bund.
Mark: That's the one with the crown on the top, isn't it? If so, it's within walking distance. You should get an awesome view.
Jingjing: My friend said their office windows look out on the Customs House. Anyway, we'll probably head down to the Bund and join the throngs of people for a while.
Mark: You'll have the best of both worlds: a warm and comfortable place, and an exciting crowd.
Jingjing: I hope it'll be fun. At last, I'll get to see the ball drop at a famous place. That's why I'm taking this trip.
Mark: And it looks like you're travelling light. Did you remember to bring everything you need?
Jingjing: Yeah, I think so. Oh, that reminds me. You wouldn't happen to have a power bank?
Mark: I have one with me here. But it's almost out of power. And I don't see any place to plug it in.
Jingjing: Would you be okay without it for a couple days?
Mark: No problem. You could return it on Wednesday?
Jingjing: Yeah. If you don't mind lending it to me, I'd appreciate it. I can head to the gate a little early and charge it there before boarding the plane.
Mark: Good idea. I'll help you carry your stuff to the security checkpoint.
Jingjing: OK. Thanks!
New words: 习语短语
an open bar 开放式的派对酒吧
a catering service at a large private party, like a full bar at a restaurant but without any money charged for drinks
stand shoulder to shoulder with 肩并肩地站着去
stand very close together with (often this is used to express camaraderie)
within walking distance 走路就能到 很近的距离
nearby, close enough to walk
look out on 直对着,面对着
with a view of, facing
throngs of people 人群 人山人海
crowds of people, a mob scene, especially at a public square or famous street
the best of both worlds 两种好处都占了
having the good aspects of what would usually be two alternatives (for example, having a job with a good salary and lots of free time)
the ball drop 新年的落球仪式
a ceremony on New Years, with a giant ball dropping at exactly midnight
travelling light 轻装旅行
bringing very little on a trip, no large pieces of luggage
security checkpoint 安检处
one of the gates passengers have to go through at airports or train stations, with an X-ray machine and guards