英语PK台 第651期:厉害了北京 轨道运营总里程已达608公里(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Mark: Jingjing, did you hear about all the new subway lines that are being built?
Jingjing: I haven't been living under a rock, Mark. Anyway, I've been seeing all the construction. There are some lines I haven't even been on yet.
Mark: Yeah, I know. It's really impressive.
Jingjing: When I came to Beijing, there were just two subway lines—the line 1 and the line 2.
Mark: You and I have lived in the city the same number of years then. When I arrived, construction on the line 13 was just getting under way.
Jingjing: Hey, I found a news article on my phone. It says Beijing will have 630km of urban rail lines by the end of 2018.
Mark: Does that include railways that connect to other cities?
Jingjing: Nope, that's just for people travelling within the city and to the suburbs.
Mark: Wow, that's a huge network. Wait, if there'll be 630km a year from now, how much new rail are we seeing built in 2018?
Jingjing: This article doesn't say. Hold on a sec. Oh, here's one that says Beijing has 608.2km of track in service as of the new year. There are two projects set to kick off this coming year, for 12.6km.
Mark: That adds up to 630. I like living in a big city without having to own a car. 
Jingjing: Yeah, the article says the construction of subways and above-ground commuter railways is aimed at reducing traffic here.
Mark: That's a tough thing to do, with such a dense population. 
Jingjing: Let's hope Beijing continues to become cleaner, more energy efficient, and more liveable.
Mark: That sounds like a good plan for the coming year.
Jingjing: Yes. I think, if people have to take their elderly relatives somewhere, haul a bunch of stuff or take care of a baby, a car is necessary. Ideally, most people's needs would be met by public transportation.
Mark: I couldn't agree more.
New words: 习语短语
been living under a rock 消息闭塞的 不关心新闻时事的
stay ignorant of a major news event
kick off 启动
begin a business or project (not just planning)
dense population 人口密集
lots of people living in one area
haul a bunch of stuff 搬运大量的物品
carry a large amount of something
Dialogue 2
Jingjing: Hey, Mark, here's another article about bike lanes being added to roads in Beijing.
Mark: Beijing is pretty good about bike safety. I feel like I could ride a bike from point A to point B anywhere in the city—even if it's from Shuangjing to Shangdi.
Jingjing: That'd be a long ride.
Mark: It'd be a workout, and would take a couple three hours. But I'd be pretty confident about making my way along tree-lined streets and getting there safely.
Jingjing: I hope more and more people choose bikes as a way to commute and get about town.
Mark: Right, bikes can help make a huge metropolis, like Beijing, feel more like a town.
Jingjing: Yep. The article says Beijing will improve on 900km of bike lanes.
Mark: That's a good amount of road that will become better for bikes. Hey, I saw an article some months ago about a bike highway project. It was just an idea, but it sounded really cool.
Jingjing: That'd be a pretty big commitment to green transportation. The article I have is talking about getting the ratio up to 73%—so that nearly three quarters of our transportation is green.
Mark: That's a pretty big priority. I'm always glad to brag to folks I know in America about steps China is taking toward a greener tomorrow.
New words: 习语短语
Point A to point B 旅途的起始点
one place and another, the beginning and end of a trip/commute
a couple three 非常大概的估计,数个,几个
a very loose estimate, especially of time: It'll take a couple three years to finish writing the book. (2 or 3, possibly 6)
get about town 在城市四处走访
go to different parts of a city, doing errands or visiting friends, or just wandering
bike highway 自行车高速
a special roadway just for bikes, allowing people to ride quickly in some of the lanes without having to stop at intersections or watch out for cars
green transportation 绿色出行
ways of commuting/travelling that do not cause pollution