留美老师带你每日说英文 第1030期:不需要经过授权的频段(在线收听

 These frequencies don't require devices to have an FCC license to operate on them. This makes the band attractive to manufacturers because they don't have to deal with the FCC.

1.require 需要、需求
require (v.) 需要、需求
requirement (n.) 必要条件、需求
2.attractive 有吸引力的、引人注目的
attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的、引人注目的
attract (v.) 吸引
attrction (n.) 观光胜地、吸引力
3.manufacturer 厂商、制造业者
manufacturer (n.) 厂商、制造业者
manufacture (v.) 大量制造、加工、捏造
4.deal 交易
deal (v.) 交易
deal (n.) 处理、分配
dealer (n.) 业者、发牌者、毒品贩子
Deal with it.(phr.) 面对现实
It's a deal.(phr.) 一言为定