英语PK台 第656期:老外都在吃的中国零食神物—辣条(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Mark: What have you been up to, Jingjing?
Jingjing: Things have been a little hectic at work.
Mark: I'm sure you can manage. Anyway, there are just a few weeks before the holiday. Would you like a snack? I ordered these online and haven't tried them yet.
Jingjing: So, you want me to be your guinea pig? Let me see.
Mark: You can read more of the Chinese words on the packaging than I can. I just know that 辣条 means spicy stick.
Jingjing: Haven't you seen the videos about this?
Mark: There are lots of videos about snack food. They kind of run together after a while.
Jingjing: You'd remember these videos. Anyway, these snacks are so spicy that your mouth hurts for half an hour after eating one.
Mark: Well, that doesn't sound very appetizing.
Jingjing: Actually, the ones you have here aren't the spiciest. There are several levels, up to toxic—or crazy spicy.
Mark: Sorry, Jingjing. I wasn't trying to trick you.
Jingjing: That's ok. I'd be glad to try one of these, but I usually avoid spicy food.
Mark: Well, since I accepted the package on my way out of the house today, I'm eager to see what they taste like.
Jingjing: Why don't you take one of these white chocolates as a backup. After you've tried the spicy stick, white chocolate can help soothe your taste buds.
京晶:你为什么不带上这些白巧克力以防万一呢. 你试过辣条以后,白巧克力会帮助安抚你的味蕾。
Mark: That's cool. Thanks, Jingjing. Well, here goes.
Jingjing: How is it?
Mark: It's spicy, but not too spicy. Now I'm curious about the super spicy ones.
Jingjing: Suit yourself. It's better to stick with real food, in my opinion.
New words: 习语短语
hectic 纷繁忙乱的,头绪多的,压力大的
busy, a little stressful
you can manage 你能搞定,能做好
you'll do well and be fine
guinea pig 豚鼠(试验品)
someone who tries something before others, as in an experiment
run together 看着雷同
seem very similar, after too many are seen
appetizing 开胃的
seem tasty
a backup 备案
something available after the first one has been used
taste buds 味蕾
small parts of the tongue that let you know if your food is salty or sweet
Dialogue 2
Jingjing: How goes it this week, Mark?
Mark: Pretty good. Hey, I saw a few of those videos about people eating super spicy sticks.
Jingjing: Were they funny?
Mark: I guess, in a viral video sort of way. Each one of those videos just shows someone taking a bite of a spicy stick and then reacting to how spicy it was.
Jingjing: There's one I saw of a foreigner who speaks fluent Chinese.
Mark: Yeah, I saw one too. I could understand most of what he was saying. If it were me, and I ate something that was way too spicy, I'd probably forget to speak Chinese and go back to English.
Jingjing: Ha ha. It's a bit to maintain, if you're showing your reaction to something that was crazy spicy.
Mark: I know, right? If it's really beyond what you can bear, how can you keep your selfie stick steady?
Jingjing: And, if it's not so bad that you lose control, it's no big deal. Is that it?
Mark: Hmm, I guess I'd rather see real suffering on a video, not fake suffering.
Jingjing: Look at how desensitized you are because of internet content.
Mark: It does take a lot to shock me.
Jingjing: So, you're convinced that the spiciest of the spicy sticks is not too big of a deal?
Mark: Well, it doesn't look like that much fun.
Jingjing: And, it's probably too late for you to make your own video about it. The fad is going to be over soon.
Mark: I'll use my pocket money to satisfy my sweet tooth. That reminds me, do you have any more of those chocolates?
Jingjing: Here, help yourself.
New words: 习语短语
in a ... sort of way 以某种……的方式
(qualified judgement, not what you'd usually hope for after hearing the adjective) She looks beautiful, in a Meryl Streep sort of way. He's nice, in a Dustin Hoffman sort of way. Their new house was well-decorated, in a hotel sort of way.
desensitized 使……不敏感
accustomed to seeing violence or exciting content, so that it no longer has much effect