英语PK台 第700期:贫穷时我们更彼此关爱,中转命运的钢琴曲《星尘》(在线收听


When I put my hand in my mailbox, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The check I expected and badly needed wasn't there. The school secretary explained later that we, teachers, weren't paid until the end of the month. This was a problem. I had four dollars in my wallet, and the end of the month was a whole month away.
What to do? The four dollars I had left wouldn't even pay for my cheap motel room that night, much less buy dinner. I had my trumpet in the car, as I played trumpet as well as a little piano, and my first thought was to find a "gig" that night, but it was too late in the afternoon, and I didn't know the city well enough to go looking. So I did something most musicians have done at one time or another. I decided to hock my horn.
I drove downtown to an unpleasant area where the hock shops, cheap bars and winos were. I hocked my trumpet for fifteen dollars; enough money to get by for a day or two, but then what?
There was a little bar next to the pawn shop. I walked in, sat at the bar and ordered a thirty-five cent beer. I sat there sipping my beer and trying to think my way out of this problem." "You look like you lost your last friend, Sonny," said the bartender. "What's the matter?"
His name was Charlie, about 60, which seemed quite old to me at the time. I think I was about 24. I told him what had happened. Then I went back to staring at the old piano I had seen as I came in the door.
Charlie was watching me. "Play piano, too, do you?" he asked. "Just a little," I replied. "I'm not very good." A few moments went by. Pretty soon Charlie said, "Do you know "Stardust" by Hoagy Carmichael?"
I could, and I told him so."Sorta wish you would play it for me," said Charlie, "That's my favourite song." I shrugged my shoulders, went over to the piano, and played "Stardust" as well as I could. Charlie loved it and clapped his hands.
"You're right," he said, "You're not very good, but that's a fine song. You're not so bad you'd run anybody off," he said. "Tell you what, if you'll come in here every night and play, I'll rustle you up enough tips to keep you going till you get your check from school."
So the next evening, I played the old songs I knew the old customers loved: "Margie", "Tea for Two" and always "Stardust." The audience was much older than me, with tattered clothes, the women over made-up with too bright lipstick. They listened to the old songs I played so badly and many got tears in their eyes.
Charlie liked to call me Hoagy, because Hoagy had written "Stardust", and everyone loved it as much as Charlie. Several times a night, Charlie would yell out, "Play Stardust, Hoagy," and then he would pass the tip jar and cajole the customers. "We need to help this kid out," I would hear him say, and I could sometimes hear him tell them how I didn't get my check and had to hock my horn.
About the third evening when I took a short break and was standing at the bar next to an older lady wearing an old ill-fitting red dress, she spoke to me. "Honey," she said, "We haven't got the money to tip you much, but I can help some. My apartment is upstairs, and I don't come in at night. You can sleep there if you want, and you won't have to pay for a hotel room. You ain't the type to be stayin' in these old flophouses, anyway." The next night she brought me a key.
So I would teach at daytime, and play at Charlie's at night time, and I came to know and love those unfortunate people, as they did me. When, after a month, I finally got paid, I went back to play for them one more time. This time I told Charlie not to pass the tip jar around, that I had been paid. 
So that night, he just left it on the bar, but the customers put their nickels, dimes and quarters in it anyway. When I emptied it, there was a twenty-dollar bill in there, too. That was probably from Charlie, but I'll never know for sure. 
I left a little early that night after saying goodbye to everyone and thanking them. There were tears in all their eyes—and mine. By golly, we made it... together.
I don't know what it is that makes poor folks, the down and outers, want so much to help their fellow man, and yet they're the least able to do so. As I became a good pianist in later years and played at the "ritzy" clubs, I can remember playing one where all the customers were multimillionaires, but not a one of them would have given me the scraps off his plate if I were starving. I like to believe they just need some 'stardust' to be kind.