英语PK台 第702期:最少的需求,最大的自由——极简生活(在线收听

 Minimalist Lifestyle

Dialogue 1
Mark: Jingjing, that's a nice jacket you're wearing. It's perfect for this spring weather.
Jingjing: Thanks for noticing. It's not really new, though. I've just not had the chance to wear it yet.
Mark: Yeah, spring is such a short season in Beijing. I'm glad your jacket can finally make its debut.
Jingjing: Haha. Actually, I don't buy new clothes that often.
Mark: Me neither. I used to be a total clothes horse. I think I told you before. Now I don't spend much of my salary each month.
Jingjing: That's good. You gotta think about the future.
Mark: Yeah, I used to run through a pay check in one or two weeks, and have nothing left at the end of the month.
Jingjing: Now I remember, we did talk about saving money before. But you never told me what the turning point was for you.
Mark: Well, every time I moved, I had the option of paying for several months of rent in advance. Then it got to where I could pay a year up front and get a big break.
Jingjing: Did anything else change?
Mark: Yeah, that caused a chain reaction. I went several months without spending much money, and I learned to enjoy life in simple ways.
Jingjing: It sounds like you've grown into a minimalist lifestyle. I'm the same way.
Mark: Yup. You get to a point where you've had the newest stuff, and when it gets used up or outdated, you wish you still had the money.
Jingjing: That's exactly how I feel.
New words: 习语短语
debut 首次亮相,首秀
when someone or something is introduced (usually a noteworthy song from a new artist)
clothes horse 活衣架,形容爱买衣服的人
someone who has lots of clothes (also refers to a free-standing rack that holds clothes)
run through 随意花费
spend carelessly
turning point 转折点
a time when something changed
break 折扣
chain reaction 连锁反应
a set of events, each one causing the next
minimalist 极简生活的人
a person who has a simple life, and not too much stuff
Dialogue 2
Mark: Jingjing, you asked me how I turned over a new leaf. I'm still curious about your story.
Jingjing: Well, I never was a spendthrift. You know, until finishing university, I didn't have much of my own money.
Mark: That's good, I guess. But didn't that all change when you graduated and started earning a salary?
Jingjing: It was pretty low at first, and I knew I couldn't do much with it. Besides, I was proud to give most of it to my parents.
Mark: So, what do you do to enjoy life, if not spend money?
Jingjing: There are lots of ways. Just like you, I enjoy a good book. I take care of animals also.
Mark: Yeah, I know you do those two things. I guess you don't have to shell out much cash for either.
Jingjing: Nope. If there's anything fun that ends up costing me, it's travel.
Mark: Do you travel in style?
Jingjing: No. That's not me. Each trip costs me a fair bit, but it's something to look forward to every few months.
Mark: That sounds pretty good. I'm proud of you. And I bet your parents are also.
Jingjing: They taught me to be responsible. But I learned to enjoy a simple lifestyle in my own way.
Mark: Well, take it easy, Jingjing. Until next time.
Jingjing: OK, Mark. See ya!
New words: 习语短语
turn over a new leaf 改变旧的生活习惯,开始新的,更健康的生活方式
change, stop a bad habit, become more healthy and responsible
spendthrift 挥霍的人
a person who spends lots of money carelessly
shell out (不停地)付,花费
pay, continue to give more money
travel in style昂贵奢侈的旅行
take a luxurious trip
a fair bit 贵的