英语PK台 第749期:曼哈顿新贵的日常(在线收听

 Top of the World

The elevator was dark wood panelled and the doors were covered in gold leaf. Madison Avenue; top of the world. Mike knocked on one of the doors in the dim hallway. A thin girl wearing tight jeans and an even tighter black tank top opened the door. Her eyes, covered with eye shadow, seemed as though they peered out from two cavernous holes in her face.
Mike quickly brushed past her without any sort of salutation. As I walked up to introduce myself, she turned her back to me and followed Mike. “Mike, did you bring me my cigarettes?” she whined.
迈克快速地与她擦身而过,连一句寒暄都没有。当我走上前打算做自我介绍时,她转过身背对着我,朝迈克走去。 “迈克,你把我的香烟带来了吗?”她用抱怨的语气说道。
I looked at the elaborate decorations of the house; the paintings, the marble busts... The entire floor of the apartment was lavishly covered with an immaculate white carpet. The kitchen was at least twice as large as any room in my own house. I thought that these kinds of apartments were merely myths.
我看着这所公寓里精致的装饰品——油画、大理石半身像......整个公寓的地板上 铺满了洁白无暇的地毯。厨房都至少是我家最大房间的两倍大。我觉得这样的公寓简直是神一般的存在。
Mike stood by an industrial sized fridge and beckoned me towards him. As he rummaged through the fridge he tossed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket to the girl with too much eye shadow. She lunged fervently for the box and began to tear it open. Mike reached into the fridge and passed me a coke, while retrieving one for himself as well. “I’m telling you man this girl is so rich—Just look around!” he exclaimed. Mike spent the majority of the taxi ride uptown divulging exactly “how rich this girl was.” 
Natalie walked over to Mike and looked at me carefully. “He looks like an icky homeless guy” she said decidedly. “What’s his name?” she inquired. “Ben meet Natalie—Natalie meet Ben,” Mike said in a slightly restless way. Then he quickly took a seat in front of the television and concentrated on his video game. I smiled jovially at Natalie to show that I wasn’t annoyed, but she merely looked past me.
I proceeded to sip my coke quietly as we both watched Mike play Nintendo. As we stared out into nothing my eyes drifted to Natalie’s; those black holes in her face. She looked up at me and for a split second, her eyes glistered, as if filled with tears. “Excuse me, I need a Perrier,” she whined, her eyes suddenly fixated on the wall.
Mike ignored her, until a raspy voice called from the doorway. “Mike! You’re here, finally it’s been so boring here, let’s go somewhere!” she exclaimed desperately. This voice belonged to a girl wearing a tight blue dress with feisty green eyes. “Yeah, whatever, soon, just chill!” Mike said coolly. She entered, and I stood up to introduce myself, and just as I walked toward her she walked through me and sat in my seat at the table. “I need another cigarette. Pass them here Ashley” whined Natalie.
“You know those things will kill you” I said teasingly. She abruptly turned to me and glared out from the black holes that were here eye sockets. She smoothly proceeded to take another cigarette out of the carton bringing it to her lips and slowly lighting it.
A small, black poodle pranced into the kitchen. Ashley picked up the dog and placed it on her lap; she took a drag on her cigarette, and subsequently exhaled a cloud of smoke into the dog’s face. The dog, assaulted, leaped down and retreated to the safety of her cage.
A small grin slowly creeped across Ashley’s face. It was the first sign of emotion I saw from her all night. “Let’s get out of here, I’m like so bored just sitting here!” Ashley winced. “We could go to John’s house, I heard that he was gonna have people there” suggested Natalie. “Eww I really don’t like John, his house is so cramped and small” Ashley complained. We all sat in silence for a few moments until Ashley got up and proceeded to the kitchen door. On her way out, she gave Mike a small, cold nod. Mike stood up, and quickly followed her out of the kitchen. This left Natalie and me alone in the kitchen.
“So do they come by often?” I inquired. Her eyes remained fixated on the wall ahead of her as she answered me. “Meh, they just sorta show up. I don’t mind though; they are friends of mine” she said with a twinge of forced cheeriness in her voice. We sat in silence for several moments until Natalie went to her bedroom. I sat in the kitchen alone. I let myself out and took the elevator back to reality. I walked along the deserted Madison Avenue under the pallid glow of the street lamps overhead.